Hanna, Hasya and Haifa were frustrated since they couldn’t take their taekwondo tests yesterday. It was because they’ve missed their classes during Ramadhan and the tests were conducted on the same weekend that they were having their swimming competition, which was held on Saturday and Sunday, 10-11 October.
So the red belts will have to wait for at least another 3 months.
This time, the swimming event was Kejohanan Jaguh Renang Kompleks Sukan Negara which was held at the National Aquatic Center, Bukit Jalil. The girls participated again, just for the fun of it. It was quite hard especially when they didn’t go for their training during Ramadhan. I’ve told them that the important thing was the spirit and the experience gained.

They participated in most of the events they’ve been registered in, except for 100m backstroke which Hanna chickened-out the last minute... hahaha... Kesian jugak, especially when they didn’t learn much on two swimming strokes - backstroke and butterfly. Dear Hubby and I just encouraged them to participate, stressing on the fact that Bukit Jalil is like their home ground since they spend 4-day a week there for swimming and squash.
So I was stationed there for two days, and without Dear Hubby on Sunday since he had his high-school class reunion in PJ. The girls had so much fun especially during between-events and lunch hour when they could play with their friends in the pools. Sampai nak luruh jantung watching those other small kids playing around the diving areas - diving... mak aaaiii.. tingginya!

Everything went well except for that big, fat migraine that I had on Saturday. The weather was just too plain hot lah. Felt like jumping into the pool with the girls to cool off! Lucky we (the mothers) had a nice spot to spread our mats on Sunday... and the cool breeze really made you wanna sleep... Nice.

Perhaps they'll be swimming champions some day. It's good that you give them the exposure. Great job :)
My daughter baru nak register swimming class...
Hello Ibu, very impressive see your kids doing their swimming.
I love swimming and diving young days....but Butterfly was never my liking....only freestyle and backstroke.
Seeing your kids great interest in their swimming, maybe ada chance to represent Malaysia next SEA games or Commonwealth games?
Here in Canada weather is the main obstacle, so most young kids go for ice skating, skiing. Some kids learn to skate sebelum learn to walk too.
Its really good to see the country promoting swimming among the young people.
Ibu, re your migrane, drink Chinese green tea. Drink everyday at least 3 to 4 cups, hot or cold.
Ibu, check out Chinese green tea....it helps prevents lots of health problems, helps keep one slim too.
My wife and I minum at least 5 cups a day, she hot, mine cold tea.
Incase you not sure which one to try, go ask for 'Lung Ching, Dragon Well Chinese green tea'.
Keep well Ibu and best regards, Lee.
Hi Chahya,
Yes, it's the exposure that's important. And they get to see for themselves how important to be self-disciplined...
Dear Mum n Roses,
That's great. Mesti diorang enjoy nanti. One of the good things is they get to meet new friends :)
Dear U.Lee,
I actually 'envy' my girls coz they can swim. Their Ibu can only keep afloat only like 2mins!
TQVVM for the info on green tea. I've tried it for many years yonks ago. Then I got tired of it..hahaa.. But occasionally I'll buy a box or two and have them in the evenings.
I'm now into 4Life tea. I take them everyday nowadays. The migraine I have will usually due to the hot weather/piercing-hot-sun kinda situation. To make it worse on days like that is the tudung I have on... but the remedy will always be Apple juice. It works every time.
TQ U.Lee.. I think I'll buy the green tea at the singseh shop after work today. Suddenly macam ada craving pulak!
Bestnya, kecik2 dah pandai berenang.Adik sampai ke la ni tak tau berenang. Nama jer rumah depan sungai,berenang pun tak tau...hehehe!!
Salam Ja,
Meriah hari raya you. First time I tengok rupa anak2 you.
Kak Ja pun pernah amik lesson, tapi tak habis belajar..hahaha...
Try Bukit Jalil.. tapi jauh dak? I think the pool water there is the cleanest and clearest lah. Tak penah kelabu ayaq dia!
Dear Zlaa,
Anak-anak happy, especially part main bunga api tu...hehehe...
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