Haifa (my 6yo) called me up on Friday – Ibu please please Ibu, beli tiket untuk High School Musical. Haifa nak tengokla Ibu...
I can’t Haifa. It only starts today and I’m still in the office la. Weekend ni bolehla...
Puhleez Ibu puhleeeeeeez... (and she went on pleading...)
No Haifa. Weekend ni ok, but not today.... Bye!! I just had to put a stop to it, or Haifa would go on forever...
So, on Saturday, Ayah and I went to Cineleisure and reached there at 9:30am, but the ticket counters only opened at 10am. So we waited... demi anak-anaklah kan...
We bought 5 tickets (7:20pm) for Hanna, Hasya, Haifa, Hanis and their Ibu for HSM3 and 1 Bangkok Dangerous ticket (7:15pm) for the man-who-did-not-want-to look-sissy-watching-girls-movie.

After attending a birthday bash in Ampang, we went to The Curve and later watched the much awaited HSM3. The girls were all giddy with excitement.
And it was as expected – the girls said it was great. Even as a chaperone with an age double of Zac Efron’s, I’d still say that HSM3 was a good and sweet movie to watch. The girls loved it... and I’d say that I liked it as well.
And guess what, the man who watched Bangkok Dangerous said that the movie he watched was not up to his expectations.... Hah, tu lah... served him right...hehehe..

Geee, man. I am so not going watch HSM haha. Not my kind of movie, I think :P
Bicentennial Man(Aeons ago), Forrest Gump and Patch Adams will do for me hehe. I'm sure you've heard about all the movies kan?
But no, not HSM, at least for me haha. But hey, seems like you enjoyed it. Good for you :)
Hehehe Akmal...
I guess the excitement was contagious, that was why I enjoyed it with my girls...
Next in line will be Bolt, starring Miley Cyrus and John Travolta... My girls are excited about that movie too... just bcoz Miley will be there.. :)
Phew.. sini pun serupa. Lucky anak-anak I tak lah paster sgt. Depa tau mak depa busy.. In fact I don't go for cinema anymore. Watch movie kat rumah saja. Download from the Internet. Ada pakar download movie kat rumah ni..
My son reminded me since Raya lagi! hahahaha...he will get his chance this 30th :)
Sama lah kita!
We (AYAH and I!) brought the kids to see HSM3 on Saturday night at GSC One-U.
I hate to admit it - but I really enjoyed it. So much better than the first two. The choreography was just superb, and the songs were really catchy.
But, of course it goes without saying, there were quite a few lame scenes as well. Even Hanna and Hasya couldn't stop laughing/giggling during those lame parts :)
But, yes - it was actually quite good :) Glad I brought the kids. They enjoyed the movie tremendously...(More importantly - Ayah did not sleep and snore during the movie. Hahaha!)
I'll get my kids the DVD based on the reviews here, but nak pergi tengok at the cinemas ... rasanya tidaklah. Just not my thing, hehe, sounds like makcik kolot je kan?
SSalam Ibu,
Auntie, dah berkurun-kurun tak masuk panggung.Dengar sajalah orang dok bercerita pasal kehebatan panggung zaman sekarang.
Last week, anak bujang Auntie (form 4) pi tengok HSM tu, dia benarnya tak tahu pun, just ikut kawan...mungkin not his kind of story..dia kata tak best langsung...he..he...kalau Auntie yang tengok, mungkin I'll enjoy kot??...
Kak Ja,
tak boleh tahan ketawa bila Yatie baca remark pasal "man-who-did-not-want-to look-sissy-watching-girls-movie." Haven't got a chance to watch it yet. Hubby said I like watching kids movie. :)
Maybe lepas habis exams, baru boleh bawa the kids. Papapia has no choice, kena tengok sekali!!
Zlaa dear,
Lucky la you macam tu...internet-savvy. Ada Mac Gyver kat rumah boleh tolong downloadkan. Lagipun anak-anak mesti understand you ada datelines etc. I ni kalau tak bawak budak2 pi tengok kat cinemas, alamat hari-harilah depa cerita kawan tu dah tengok, kawan ni dah tengok kata best.
Nak tunggu CD atau DVD... hmmhh.. berbulan lagi lah...
Hi Waterlily,
Selamat berPopCorn & Have fun with your children, ok?
Best kan? Bila my hubby sms yg he waited outside sebab Bangkok Dangerous dah habis, I dah boleh agak the movie that he watched tak best... You know why? Sebab tengok walaupun cerita Nicholas Cage - dah tak ada 'ummp'nya, betul tak?
Anyway, I liked Gabriella this time around. She didn't look pretty in HSM2, but in HSM3, I just loved to see her, especially those dresses yg dia pakai.... If only I could sew!
Dear QOTH,
My girls pun tak sabar nak tunggu VCD/DVD. Kalau ajak pergi lagi tu, mesti nak punya. I told them, kena tungggu banyak bulan lagi b4 the DVD is out tapi kalau nak cepat kena beli pirate punya. My Haifa asked - DVD pirate tu apa... dah dok kena explain kat dia pulak...hihihi...
Salam AuntieYan @ Makcik Blogger,
Hehehe... boleh imagine anak teruna you rasa tak 'macho' dalam panggung tu...
I think, kalau AuntieYan tengok mesti enjoy rasanya sebab it's a laid-back movie... mcm cerita Mamamia tu... :)
Dear Yatie,
Tu lah..lepas tu Kak Ja cakap kat dia, it was just the'togetherness' yg kita nak.. nak enjoy sama2..hehehe.... Tengok sorang2 manalah best...
I guess kalau ada HSM4, dia join sekali punya... ;)
Mamania dear,
Enjoy your movie nanti, ok?
My girls baru nak exam. Now diorang tengah pulun lah ni... Hopefully they'll get good grades lah. Risaunya.... isshhh...
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