The plan to go home to Alor Setar for Raya actually started in March08, when I had to purchase two flight tickets for my Hanna and my maid Nani. Since the MPV was unquestionably designed not to be tamped down with the weight of 11 people, and I was not going to drive my car (I never tried driving on a long journey before), we decided to buy the two tickets. So Hanna and Nani left earlier than us.
The journey home to Alor Setar on Sunday before Raya was a smooth one. Alhamdulillah. It took us only 4.5 hours to reach Alor Setar. Yay. But it took us 7 freakin’ hours from Alor Setar to KL on the Sunday after Raya (does that considered as swearing?). Talk about the heavy rain and the oh-ever-so-many-cars on the road! All the R&Rs were also jam-packed. I was praying that none of us would need to use the toilet.... but it was me who needed one! Isshh....
The most important thing was that we reached home safe and sound. That was all that matters, right?
So, today’s the 12th day of Syawal. Although everything’s BAU, the Raya mood obviously is still there. With open houses to attend to, I’m definitely still in the Raya mood. Perhaps I’m still a young girl at heart..hihihi...

Hi DDI :)
Finally, an update..lama jugak jenguk jenguk your blog ni.
Post some of your raya photos nanti ok.
Welcome back!
I pun macam Waterlily - dok lau lalang bagi salam, tapi nobody at home... Hehehe!
Nasib baik both your side and your Ayah's side from Kedah naaa... Kalau dak, jenuih :)
Hello Ibu...I guess after all these open house, most of the ladies will check their weight on weighing scale and exclaim loud, can be heard by neighbours, "ALAMAK OI! Da berat sepuluh pound"! Arhaaa ha ha.
You keep well and have fun, Ibu, best regards, Lee.
Lamanya Kak Ja kita beraya. Masih menunggu all the pics that goes with the story. ;)
Kak Ja,
macam Wanshana cakap, nasib baik both of you from Kedah. Kakak2 Yatie buat agreement dgn hubby diorang to gilir2 sambut raya. Satu tahun kat rumah my parents and next year sambut kat the inlaw's house, sorang kat Kulim dan sorang lagi kat Kota Bahru. Jangan lupa post some of the pictures, yea.
Kak Yus,
Josh (mak Yatie panggil "Arif") sekarang ni berumur 1 tahun dan 7 hari. Insyaallah kalau ada rezeki boleh lah kita jumpa yea. Semoga Ayah Kak Yus is feeling better now. Take care.
p/s: It is normal to hijack a forum tapi Kak Yus so 'terer' boleh pulak hijack a blog. hehehe
Hi Waterlily :)
I ni kalut sangat... tu yg tak sempat nak update tu. Masuk office pulak ada major problem... alahai..sedih betul. Cuti pun kena datang office.. sikit lagi nak kena bawak tikar bantal sekali :(
Now since everything's settled, baru boleh 'bernafas' sikit...
Hi Shana,
I orang Kedah, and my hubby's from Johor. So the relatives yg I mentioned tu were both from my mom&dad's side.
Next year turn Johor pulak. But since most of hubby's relatives ramai kat Negori, we don't see them all.
Nasib baik cuma one-side for each year. Kalau balik both kampungs (Kedah and Johor) for one Raya, lagi lamalah I cuti..hehehe...
Dear U.Lee,
Yeap, you're right! But I don't have to jump on the scale to know how much I already gained.
My range will be like 5 to 8 kgs! I'm just guessinglah. And to confirm that, I'll try not to jerit loudly when I use the scale.. Risau ni...
Hi Farina,
One week cuti plus one week bz dgn problem kat office lah sampai jadi macam ni...huhuhu...
The pix dah all printed out & inserted kat album. All 305 pcs of them... Tapi tak sure lagi when I can paste some here. Kalut, kalut :)
Yatie dear,
Both of us pun bergilir-gilir like your sisters. Tahun ni Kedah punya turn. Last year was Johor. Cuma balik Kedah lagi ramai yg ada sebab both my parents kampung kat Kedah.
What I missed the most during Raya this time was the Bunga Api... Yilek! Couldn't get the supplier lah, so my kids & their cousins semua frust giler sebab tak dapat main Bunga Api this time around...
I tak ingatlah pulka yg Kak Yus ni kaki buli kat sekolah dulu...hehehe.. Kalau dia tak mentioned, Kak Ja pun tak tau...
Kawan-kawans are all welcome to 'hijack' my blog..hehehe...
Eeeii..I buli cara baik punya. Bukan style budak2 sekolah sekarang. I guna psychology, buli mental. heheheh... sekolah rendah dulu2 pun dah pandai main psychology nu??
Ja, dlm kamera I gambar yg ambik tahun 2006 pun duk ada lagi tak print2. You ni kira efficient sungguh nu. Gambaq raya semua dah print dan masuk album dah. tabikkkk puan!!
balik Malaysia nanti, make a point to come to Bukit Kayu Hitam, my house is only 10km before u reach the border of Malaysia. Nanti I bawak you makan mee Ali. Mauu?
Thanks for asking abt my dad. Josh baru setahun ke? alahai..kiut..kiut..kiut...
I ikut perangai my dad. Album penuh almari...hehe... I pulak since zaman MRSM dok ambik gambar. Album kat rumah dah nak masuk 63 kalau tak silap...
Salam and selamat hari raya. Noticed that you are from Kedah dan jugak ex MRSM (Kulim?). My husband and I orang Alor Setar & I was at MRSM Sban dan pernah pergi trip to MRSM Kulim in 1978 or 1979 :D
2-3 hari before raya hari tu, the roads kat Alor Setar jam teruk, and we couldn't find an ATM without a long queue snaking before it. But that's normal lah kan .... tiap-tiap tahun I balik raya di AS pun macam tu lah jugak.
Dear Queen of the House,
TQ for dropping in. I selalu dok baca your blog - nice blog your have there after the 'renovation'.
I remember in 1979 there were other MRSMs who visited Kulim for Minggu MRSM (kalau tak silap).
We had the same problem nak cari ATM. Bukan sebab queue panjang, tapi pasal susah nak parking by the roadside...
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