The newborn was named Zarif Haziq , and he was such a beautiful baby with lots of hair!
Their 2nd baby was conceived when Haziq was just 3mo. When Husna was born, Haziq was just crawling and didn’t show any signs of walking.
Realizing that their baby was somehow slow in his development, Haziq’s parents brought him for a thorough checkup at SJMC. The X-Ray result showed that Haziq had a dislocated hip on the left... thus at 1y+, Haziq went thru a major operation to correct this.
1995 Raya was spent looking after Haziq at home. He was in cast from his chest down to 1-inch to the toes for a month! It was such a trying time.... When he gained weight, a ‘window’ was made on the cast near his tummy so that he’d feel more comfortable.
After that major operation, Haziq learnt how to crawl again.
A year later, Haziq’s parents brought him to a Government Hospital as recommended by his doctor so that he could start his physiotherapy there. After a routine X-Ray, it was discovered that the bone was out of its socket again. Haziq’s parents were in shock! The doctor there then explained that it was normal - hip-dislocation could recur again and some patients went thru countless operations to correct that.
Then only Haziq’s parents realized that they’ve made the biggest mistake by agreeing to the first operation. Ya Allah... if only they knew about the multiple operations before.... They would never want to put Haziq in pain again... and thinking of the trauma that he went thru at 1y+ would definitely be a no-no although at that time Haziq was already 2yo+.
The doctor insisted that Haziq’s parents should make an appointment for the OT. When they said that they needed time to think things over, the doctor somehow insisted on one date (tak ada timbangrasa langsung!). They sort of of agree - Letak lah date apa yang doctor nak - since there were students there watching what was going on and the doctor ‘demanded’ a date.
But there was no way that Haziq's going to be put under that OT lights again. On that particular date, Haziq was having fun with his family, maternal Grandparents, his mother’s siblings and his cousins in Penang - having a blast with the Banana Boats and the jet-skis!
Now, although Haziq still can’t talk, he can walk. That was an achievement that both his parents are proud of.
Yes... that was my Haziq – my one and only SON – and the journey that he went thru in life. And today’s his 15th Birthday! Yay!
Haziq sayang,
Although you can't speak, nor can you cut your own birthday cake tonight, I know you’re happy as always. Despite the stares that you received every time we’re out, do remember that we’re always proud of you.
Though you may not understand this, you actually bring such joy and great rezeki in our lives.... You also taught us how to love unconditionally and to be strong in whatever we do. Remember, Allah knows best. It's all fated that you and Husna will be Ahli-ahli Syurga and became the glue in our family... the special ones who stick us all as one.....
If only you could see that all of us LOVE you so much, Haziq!
Again, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAZIQ! Ibu, Ayah and your sisters hope you'll get the best in everything! My Ahli Syurga... Muaaaahhh!

Happy 15th Birthday, Haziq!
Ja, Haziq is so blessed to have you and your hubby as his parents, and you and your family are even more blessed to have him as the "glue" that sticks everybody together :)
Semoga Haziq dipanjangkan umur, diberkati Allah SWT, and continue to light up the lives of those around him.
My do'a for the best in everything for him throughout the years.
God bless :)
Happy Birthday to Haziq. May today (and each day) be a special one for you! Take care Ja and family. I got lump(s) in my throat :/
Bertuah you Ja ada ahli syurga dalam family.. I doakan semuanya qualified, bukan setakat dua...amin
Happy birthday to Haziq. He's just a day younger than my 2nd daughter. May your lives as a family be blessed by Allah Almighty always.
You know, having a special child means you are a special parent :D (I have been told that myself, countless times :) Insyaallah it makes us all stronger and better parents, and more understanding and empathic. My eldest daughter, btw, is learning disabled. And my youngest, #5, born with a fatal condition with multiple abnormalities, Trisomy 18, is already an Ahli Syurga after 3 weeks on earth).
May Haziq continue to light up your lives.
I would say that a mother's love is one of the amazing wonders of the world. :)
No one could love like a mother.
I remembered the time when I had to babysit you and Haziq when Zaki when to Atlanta. He responsed so well everytime I spoke or read to him..He used to smiled back when I talk to him..No one knew then that he was special..How he has grown now and so much has been achieved. He is a miracle...Happy birthday Haziq
I thought I've left a comment here just now, tapi dah terhilang in the midst of typing.
Anyway..just wanna say that this is a very poignant entry it brought tears to my eyes. Yes, mother's love is indeed unconditional! Happy Birthday to dear Haziq from auntie Wlily.
Happy Birthday Haziq!
Kak Ja, not everybody can handle a special child. Only a special parents can and you both are! He is indeed lucky to have been born in your family. *hugs*
Happy Birthday HAziq.... wow. entry ni mmg dalam messagenya buat Helena.
Haziq is blessed to have parents like you... and vice versa.
Take care. You're just great!
Kak Ja,
Kiss Haziq for me, a birthday wish frm Auntie Ja.
You know, I believe only parents with unconditional love & patience are bestowed such special child. And Kak Ja amongst us all He chose you & hubby.
first time masuk blog ni, salam kenal kak. blog akak benar2 beri inspirasi pada saya tentang pengalaman dan ketabahan akak.
Shana dear,
TQ for your do’a. Amiin...:)
We just hope that as his parents, we’ve done the best for him. We try to give him the best of what life has to offer, altho’ there are only few to choose from.
So I just stick to – if he’s happy, we’re happy :)
Hi Yus,
Haziq was smiling the whole day yesterday... macam tau saja it was his birthday.. hehehe....
We got him Secret Recipe's Mango Delight cake yesterday. And as usual he was extra happy when we sang the Birthday Song. Masa amik gambar dgn Ayah, he tepuk the cake... and ‘roboh’ sikitla cake tu...:)
Dear QOTH,
I’ve been told the same thing myself countless times...
Yes, you’re right dear... Haziq and Husna do make us stronger, more understanding & emphatic... They also make us look at life differently. Maybe we see things differently from parents with normal kids. Many aspects in life that we have to extra-look into, especially their future.
But the “What-Ifs” are the most terrifying ones for me to even think about...
I’ve been to many special schools, involved in a ‘special’ Society for a number of years, met many special kids and many-many parents with special kids. I’ve seen the tears and the laughters. The huggings and the fears. I’ve heard the bad and the good news.... But despite that, our lives are still full of fun.. coz we do enjoy what we have and take things positively.
I guess you too feel the same thing kan? We don’t have the ‘time’ to linger on the negatives.
My do’a - May all special children get the best in life....
Hi Clarisse,
Yes, you’re right.
And if one is extra lucky, one will get both from one’s parents :)
Kak Anim,
Yes I still remember the time when you came to ‘babysit’ us (TQVM dear!) Ingat dak the first time you drove Abang’s car? If only he knew that you hadn’t been driving for years b4 that... pasti suruh kita pi airport naik cab saja...hehe...
Haziq was nearly 3mos at that time... I remember that coz I conceived Husna right after Abang came back from Atlanta.
And Yes, masa tu Haziq looked normal kan? But Allah knows's all fated, and all of us redho' with what Allah has written for us, for He knows what's best for each one of us...
Oh, btw, Happy Birthday to your hubby... lupa pulak nak sms dia yesterday...
Dear Waterlily,
TQ for the birthday wish :)
I've always try think of everything to be positive... but there's one thing that has always make me cry - to sit and watch my special ones when they're sleeping....
Farina dear,
TQ :) We’re lucky to have him too. Haziq and Husna actually make their parents better & stronger – in relationship and in life....
Dear Helena,
Everything happens for a reason, thus we've to accept everything with an open heart....
TQ :)
Dear Ja,
TQ for the birthday wish :)
I believe all parents possess unconditional love in them... But those with special child are given the challenge to stand up straight and live life as positively as possible....
Salam Kak Long,
TQ for dropping by.
Kak Ja percaya setiap apa yang berlaku pasti ada hikmah di sebaliknya.... cuma terpulang kepada setiap individu bagaimana untuk menanganinya.
Permulaan yang paling penting adalah 'redho'. Dengan adanya 'redho', maka segala yang berlaku selepas itu insyaallah akan menjadi lebih mudah :)
I rasa I nak menangis dan gelak at the same time when you said he tepuk the cake. Haziq must have enjoyed the mango cake and the celebration so much then! Glad to hear that.
Happy 15th Birthday Haziq!!!
Like Shana wrote, he is blessed to have u & hubby as his parents.
Allah knows best, that's why He has chosen you to be Haziq's Ibu.
Kak Ja,
sorry I haven't got a chance to drop by for awhile now. Sibuk sikit tambah lagi semua sakit sekarang ni. Musim demam kat sini.
Happy belated birthday to Haziq from Auntie Yatie. Semuga panjang umur, murah rezeki and stay hansem. I thing I know is Kak Ja and family is one special family full of love.
Hello Ibu, Many happy returns of the day to Haziq.
Haziq's mom is a never ending song in his heart of comfort, happiness and being.
He may sometimes forget the words or not at all, but he always remember the tune.
Ibu, you are the lighthouse in your son's life, your endearing love, your adoring love is his beacon in life today and tomorrow...and your light lighting the way for him...always.
My very best regards to you, Haziq and all, best wishes, Lee.
We're used to having birthday cakes being senget... Husna pun pernah buat macam tu... The first time it happened, frust lah jugak sebab cake dah spoilt, tapi now we're used to it... Lagi tergelak ada.. hehehe...
Dear Mamamia,
TQ :) We're doing the best that we can. Since both of us are working, that's why we need a dedicated maid to tend to their needs. Alhamdulillah, they've progressing well with the current maid.
Having them actually gives 'light' into our way of life. Rezeki tu, alhamdulillah...
Laa... siannya... musim demam ke? How's Josh doing? I hope he's ok.
Kat sini hujan memanjang... but it's good for the grass & pokoks around the house...
Dear U.Lee,
TQ for your kind words, my eyes are blurry now....
I just hope he gets the best in everything.... :)
saja nak cerita kat u funny thing that happened to my 2nd girl, nini, when she was 6 years old, on the way dari ambik her birthdy cake from the bakery. she was soooo excited, sebab I buat surprise bawak dia sorang2 je pergi claim the cake.She couldn't even sit down in the car sebab dah tak sabar2 nak balik rumah and tell her other sisters. Dalam I duk pesan kat dia,"nini, sit down, sit down" tapi dia tak dengar dah.. tiba2 bila I ter-brake mengejut, dia jatuh terduduk atas kotak kek dia! hahahah... maka dapatlah kek Snow White yang mukanya robek sebelah. Bila balik rumah, my late mum had a good laugh when I relate the story to her. I guess that was among the only few things that my arwah mama really really could laugh about in her final year of life. That was a bittersweet memory for me. Same way when I read about Haziq's tepuk antic. Take care dear.
Hi Yus,
Mesti you rasa nak marah pun ada kan? Tapi lepas tu mesti ok balik sebab kesian tengok birthday girl sedih....
Rasa baru sangat when I got the sms and talked to you on that day.
AlFatihah to your Arwah Mak.
You take care too, dear.
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