But not my Hanis, who’s now a kindergartner at 3y 4mo. I have no reasons whatsoever to wean her off. Since she’s my youngest, I tried to delay the weaning process. But like all the good things in life, it has to come to an end. I started giving her the talk since December last year. She refused to acknowledge me whenever I started telling her that she was already a big girl and had to say goodbye to breast milk. Sometimes she’d sing out loud every time I began to open my mouth. That girl!
After many attempts to steer her away at night, she finally gave in. She’s been weaned off breastfeeding for six weeks now. Goal achieved, but how I missed the nursing relationship I had with her. The cuddling, the caressing and the warmth of her body against mine. Sigh.
Now she has acquired a new habit at night when I tuck her to sleep. I’ll have to lie down beside her. She‘ll take my hand and put it under her chin. Then she’ll start kissing the back of my hand, make some small bites and pinches. This will go on for a good 10 to 15 minutes before she enters a dreamless slumber. I guess she missed them...
But whatever it is, I’m glad that we’ve had that bonding for more than three years. The special feeling of closeness and coziness that only breastfeeding can offer.
And guess what - I got myself a new bestfriend... the ever so helpful - the Bust Firming cream! LOL!

Hei DDI,
sedihlah cerita you.Yang dah tua2 macam I terbawak down memory lane. I didn't breastfeed all my kids so your entry brought out quite a bit of guilt in me.
Its true. The joy and emotional benefits from breastfeeding is so priceless.And the beautiful memory of doing so will be etched in your mind forever!
Hehe..dont ponteng pakai the cream k? I know kita have the tendency to pakai skali-skala.Krim tu banyak kali duduk termenung je! hehe
Dear mamasita,
So far so goodlah I with the cream. Quite discipline at the moment applying it day and night.
Takut punya pasal..hehehe... Actually I risau jugak, satgi kena pegi nip/tuck pulak! Isshhh...
Ja! congrats to you. I envy sangat org yg boleh breastfeed the longest possible.Nak buat mcmana, I boleh setakat 6 bulan je. Lepas tu bukit golan dah jadi bukit gondol. hahahah...
Untung Hanis nu..?
Awww soo comel, both of you :)
Breastfed children always have good bond with the mother. It is not something that everyone can explain with words; it's psychic :)
Hahaha Yus! Bukit Golan jadi Bukit Gondol? Tak penah dengaq lagi!
There are some of my friends who breastfed their children sampai umur 6yo. Lagi dasyat...
Yus, I hope your dad's ok now. Hari tu nak call you but something came up, teruih lupa...
Dear Akmal,
I hope the special bond created during the nursing times could be felt and seen for years&years to come... :)
I understand too well what u went through. Experienced the same thing bila I stopped BF my youngest. Maybe I'll share my story in my blog .
Hello Ibu, babies will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bank balance smaller, home happier, clothes dirty, the past forgotten and the future worth living for.
You keep well and have fun, best regards, Lee.
OOhh sbb tulah mama dia nak wean ye? tak sabar nak guna bust firming cream rupanya! hahahhaa.
Ja, dah 3 years ya Hanis? Rasa macam baru je you deliver. How time flies..
Effective tak cream tu? kalau effective, I pun nak..
I'm missing you all. Nak baca blog pun dah tak berapa ada masa, apa lagi nak tulis.
K, take care.
Dear Mamamia,
It's sad kan? Especially now when I see her with her new habit tu.. bergenang ayaq mata..huhuhu..
Dear U.Lee,
True-true! I can't agree more..
If I were younger, I'd make more babies..hahaha...
Farina dear,
I wish I don't have to use the cream and still maintain gitu (if only!)
But what can I do...at this age you just have to get the remedy :`(
Dear Zlaa,
She's gonna be 4 in September. Macam baru saja kan? Your baby Hasif kalau tak silap mesti dah 6 this year. Betoi dak?
The effectiveness of the cream tu - rasanya ada lah jugak. Baru 6 weeks, tapi rasanya kena buat bust exercise jugaklah. Tengoklah umoq la..
Bila balik cuti? Boleh kita gather makan2. Kalau tak pun, boleh jumpa mana2, lunch on me, ok?
Lama jugak you bf Hanis ye? But the time must come to end that wonderful relationship. I feel very guilty that I bf my girls sat sangat (both were left with my mother for a few months after habis confinement and I had to return to work), but the boys got the max possible (until I became pregnant again, that is). I think my 8 yr old tu, sampai la ni misses the breasts, ada chance aje dia akan snuggle up and nak cuba pegang!! Heehee.
QOTH! (lalu tepi, Ja) my youngest whom is 4+ pun mcm tu. Ada chan je dia nak snuggle up dan buat2 bf, siap dgn bunyi 'nyot nyot nyot' lagi. I pun selalu usik2 dia, and she's like missing it. Tapi raba2 cari pun, mcm tak jumpa je. Tu la yg dipanggil bukit gondol tu Ja oii... :p
"She‘ll take my hand and put it under her chin. Then she’ll start kissing the back of my hand, make some small bites and pinches."
This entry so cute! Sadly, I can't join the club ... yet .. huhu.
Tp, when you said about Hanis acquired new habit, it remind me of myself .. I dulu, kalau nak tido, mesti kena cari belakang betis mak untuk i main2 dgn kaki i .. kalau tak, tak leh tido. Jenuh my mom ... but wat to do ... sapa suruh dia bg i adik when i barely celebrate my 2yr old b'day! hahaha ...
Dear QOTH,
Yeah, things will come to their end.. time tu yg sedih tu. Wah, your boys must be very close to you kan? Kesian yg 8yo tu... I guess Hanis pun akan jadi macam tu nanti...
Hahaha..Yus - baru Ja faham.... kisah nasik lemak bungkus rupanya ;)
Peesha dear,
Habit acquired tu tak boleh nak elakkan? Especially bila dpt adik cepat sangat... hehehe...
My younger brother dulu kalau nak tido kena gosok celah jari ibu kaki dia dgn kayu kecik. So my Mak kena raut kayu elok2 and gosok celah jari tu... Masa tu I wondered - awatla Mak aku ni buat mcm tu... bila besaq baru faham....
Dear DDI
Teringat the old days. I have similar feeling when I weaned my kids. The bonding seemed to be lesser tapi my perasaan je. On the positive side good for the breasts. They need a break kan. So work on the bust firming cream, yay!
DDI.... bestfriend? hehe....
wow 3 yrs of bf? salute you la.... i always have problem bfing the kids.. mmg guilty sampai bila2....
Dear Tireless Mom,
Yeah, it's sad especially now when Hanis keeps on kissing the back of my palm even during the day!
I hope this 'guilty' feeling will subside...
Helena dear,
A friend of mine breastfed her son until he was 6+! Can you imagine that?
What I like about young new mothers nowadays, they pump the milk out and keep them in the office fridge. I didn't see this when I was younger. What I did with my kids was - I went home every lunch hour to breastfeed them. Memang hecticla, but come to think of it, it was worth it.
Takpa, don't feel guilty Helena. There are other people out there who can't BF due to some problems...
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