We went to A Famosa Resort, Melaka. Checked in on Monday and out on Thursday.
Monday night was Cowboy Town night. It was pretty much the same when we were here a few years ago. Was it worth the money spent on the tickets? Frankly I think it was way overpriced. But the children loved the parade show, and that was all that matters.

A Malaysian 'Cowboy' with an Albino snake?

Can't avoid having goosebumps looking at this pic - a Malaysian 'Red Indian' playing with fire. Hasya was the one who pointed this out to me. Click on the pic and look at the 'smoke' behind the man. Spooooky!
We played Tourists on Tuesday. Walked around Melaka town, in and out of the museums, tried the trishaws, and finished it off with a great meal - assam pedas with fried crabs. Yummy!

St Paul's Church

The A Famosa
Wednesday was Water Play day. At first I was a bit disappointed with the Water Park since there were only a few spots for the kids to play, but then Dear Hubby layan them for seven hours with repeated rides and water playing. Seven hours, and they continued playing for two more hours in the pool when we got back to the villa! Kids!
Their Ibu? Sunburned. A terrible one this time. Should’ve known better. Should’ve squeezed more sunblock from the tube. So now I’m suffering - this itchiness on the face.... urrgghhh!! But it’s oklah, I actually had a great time. Loved every minute of it. The kids also enjoyed their break. Also took them to watch Race to Witch Mountain. Great movie for the kids to watch.
I guess now I'll have to deal with my sunburned skin - it will take around two to three weeks for these spots to disappear. Hopefully.
And this morning I woke up with mixed feelings. Going to work today will be such a hard thing to do. Hanis has been clinging to me since last night and an hour ago she held both my hands – Jangan bangun Ibu, sleep dengan Hanis please.
Alahaaii... this is normal whenever I took a long leave. I know she'll cry again when I send her to her kindy afterwards.

Sometimes kita yang dah jaded ni rasa macam those touristy places tak seronok mana pun, but the kids just soak it all in and love it!
I have not been to A-Famosa. Ok ke? Accommodation ok ke? (Mahal tak?). I was at Genting over the weekend, took two rooms that I think were way overpriced (tapi it's peak season so what to do) and the kids seronok sangat-sangat. I told them -- Kalau dah pernah pergi Disney World, tempat lain semua tak best! Hee hee.
Ja, what a nice way to spend the holiday with your family! For me,the day even before cuti-cuti Malaysia bermula last weekend pun, on Thursday afternoon, I dah kena attend bengkel kat Penang for 3 days. I pergi dgn bas UUM, duk kat hotel pun rasa mcm takdak semangat.Tengok budak2 kat pool, teringat kat anak2 di rumah.
In 2006 I pergi kat Melaka's A Famosa tu.Tapi serupa jugaklah, pergi dgn bas UUM.So, org lain bersukaria dgn anak2 di theme parks, I duk je kat bilik hotel sorang2 lepas bengkel. tiket free entrance yg I dapat pun habis I sedekah kat kawan2 yg bawa family.
Memang tempat2 mcm tu kena pi dgn our own family je.Baru terasa nikmatnya, kan?
Dear QOTH,
Betul tu, I think our 'zaman' dah over. As long as the kids are happy, kita pun happy.
A Famosa? This is my 2nd time here. First time dok kat apartment dia, but this time dok at the villa. The price depends on how many rooms per villa.
To me, it's 200% better kat Gentinglah. The indoor/outdoor themeparks are great. Banyak choices. My kids dok mintak suruh bawak sana, but I told them we gotta go in 2 cars... and I'm not gonna drive tinggi2 camtu!
Yus dear,
A Famosa tak berapa nak best.. try bawak depa pi Genting mcm QOTH. I'm sure they'll love it.
My Mak kata Bukit Merah is much better than A Famosa. Never been there. Next time around nak pi sana kot. I heard my Ayah's family gonna make a gathering there sometime this year.
Tu lah kan... kerja punya pasai, anak kena tinggai. Nak buat lagu mana...
Iv been there once for co's family day. Yup, i think for adults, once is enough! lol. Gambar tu kenapalah Kak Ja suruh click? :P
Ja, we took the Genting Skyway Cable Car at Gohtong Jaya instead of driving all the way up. It was a great way to reach Genting. Kids will love it. It's quite a way up, about 15 minutes, I think, but well worth it. RM10 per person for return trip. Park your car at the Cable Car complex. ALternative route to get to cable car complex is via Batang Kali. Very leisurely drive and the road is real good. Tak payah ikut Karak Highway.
Intriguing. I must visit Melaka one day. I've heard of it's rich history and magnificent sceneries because of the colonization. . . but i've not been there yet.
Need to start saving up a little now. . .
Dear Miza
Best nya cuti cuti Malaysia. Interesting. Tak sangka A Famosa offer those kind of hvolidayventure. Will check it out lah.
alahai Ja..ni lagi la tempting, next week kena pi conference 3 dys kat awana genting highland pulak...this will be my 3rd time there. tapi never been even once to the theme park pun. tu yg kata tempting tu. reason pergi pun sebab kerja je.my last 2 times there I was heavily pregnant. tengokla kali ni, mak budak ni nak merayap ke tak, naik cable car. hotel bagi complimentary return ticket normally.
Dear Farina,
Did you see it? So freaky...
Dear QOTH,
Dear Hubby suggested the same thing too - to use the cable car and not to drive straight up. I told him that the kids had enough dah kot of Genting. Dah pi banyak kali dah. But the actual fact is - I yang still tak berani to drive!! Penakut!
You must had so much fun with your family up there during the recent school hols. Now I'm considering to attend the cupcake deco class with you. Haven't registered yet.
Hi Clarisse,
You know - the first time I was there was when I was 25. Imagine, to learn about Malacca and its history thru the Sekolah Rendah and history books when I was a kid and when I finally got to be there, I was so happy! It was such a fascinating experience to touch the A Famosa wall. I became a kid at 25, LOL!
Dear Tireless Mom,
The kids will love it.. especially when they found out about certain history/facts in the museums. Something different from our usual holidays. At home nak suruh tengok History Channel susah betul...
Yus dera,
Bila nak mai? Singgah KL jumpa che abang dak? Linda tau dak? Kalau tau, mesti ramai yg pi terpa jumpa Yus nih.
Ajaklah hubby pi naik sekali. 2nd/3rd honeymoon ...kat tempat sejuk lagi tu..hehe...
Ja, I am going for the Fondant Fun class instead. April 25th. Kalau ikutkan hati, banyak lagi classes tu yang I teringin ... tapi poket tak cukup dalam.
Hello Ibu, I love Malacca. Used to go fishing at Pulau Undan, Besar, Upeh....
and when very young followed my Malay friends mandi safar at Tanjok Keling and Klebang.
Your pics of the Fort brings back memories.
You keep well, put something on the sunburn. Best regards, Lee.
Interesting holidays for you and family. Must be worth it.
I took the kids to Genting last weekend. We followed my husband who got some work there and stayed at an apt at Genting View Resort. The distant is only about 40 minutes from our house. My kids begged me to ride on the cable car but it was quite difficult for me to handle all 3 of them alone as hubby worked. I promised them next round when papa was quite free and when there's not many people. There were too many people there during school holidays. I just drove them up to the theme park. My kids enjoy cable car ride since they tried the ride in Langkawi. Have you taken your kids to Gunung Mat Cincang cable car ride?
Kak Ja,
My jodoh with AFamosa resort ni tak pernah ada. A couple of time we made plans but had to cancel due some unforeseen matters. Bila lah nak smpi ni. Tgk gamba tu & your stories mmg fun.
I'm getting bored with AFAmosa already. Dah banyak kali ke sana. DH likes this place, sebab it's the nearest!!! Dia malas nak drive jauh2...
Genting, been there once. Masa tu peak season, memang crowded sangat. Been suggesting to DH bawa the kids ke sana lagi sekali, but he's not so enthusiastic about it. Crowded sangat he said. Since my jarum tak jalan, nak suruh the kids pulaklah cucuk jarum. Sometimes, it works better.
By the way, I dah buat dah your tag/award.
Dear QOTH,
Fondant class must be interesting.. tapi rasanya I teringin nak pi cupcake deco lagi... But until today I haven't check it out yet.
Dear U.Lee,
You're so full of experience! It will be great if you could write a book - on all the things that had happened in your life. So many things you've gone thru. That's why I love reading your blog.
Tell me when the book's out - I'll be the first in line to get it, for sure!
You keep well too, U.Lee :)
Dear Sakinah,
I'm sure your kids loved the theme park, kan? Genting is full of games/rides that it's very hard for the kids to try them all in one day. We used to stay 4D3N sampai the kids tried all the rides. Ulang2 pulak tu!
We've never been to Gunung Mat Cincang cable ride. In fact dah lama dah tak pi Langkawi. Hubby dah tried coz dia selalu pegi kalau ada workshop there. So he gotta buy me all the Corning-morning sets for me :)
Dear Ja,
Kalau ada 'jodoh' ada lah tu :)
I wish I could go to NZ like you and your family. But so far tak ada 'jodoh' lagi..hehehe...
Dear Mamamia,
Kena asah sikit jarum tu... baru sure boleh cucuk punya! You're right, sometimes our kids have more 'power' than uslah, especially part jalan-jalan ni...
Dear Kak Ja,
Apa habaq? Lama tak jumpa since my wedding ari tu.Ni adik nak bawak my wife pi berjalan rumah kak Ja. Bila boleh?
Dear abgdaie,
Kak Ja & family baik2 semua. How about you and wife? I hope semua ok2. My mom came for the UMNO assembly last week for 3-4 days. My dad biasalah, tak ikut mai.
Jemputla mai rumah. Kalau weekdays kami balik gheja by 7pm. Sabtu & Ahad insyaallah ada rumah except for Sat 11am-2pm and Sat/Sun 4-7pm. Biasala Daie, kena jadi drebar budak2 pi swimming and squash. But it doesn't matter, juz give us a call, we'll definitely make time for you & wife. Lagipun boleh prepare sikit2..hehehe...
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