Now, at 43 yo, she could still remember the conversation that took place in her house at 108, Kampung Baru, Alor Setar.
Pak Ngah Ariffin (now Arwah) : Ja, suka dak dapat adik?
Ja : Dak
Pak Ngah Ariffin : Awat tak suka?
Ja : Tak suka lah. Pak Ngah nak, ambiklah.
Pak Ngah Ariffin : Pak Ngah ambiklah, ka Ja nak juai?
Ja : Satu ribu (or was it satu ratus?)
Pak Ngah : Oklah, Pak Ngah bayaq, nanti Pak Ngah ambik adik tu.
Ja : (somehow felt rather bad) Tak maulah Pak Ngah.
Pak Ngah : Awatnya?
Ja : (couldn’t answer.. and left. She could still remember the orang-orang tua laughing)
So a few days after that, she saw the baby sleeping on her mother’s bed. He was all alone, all cute and clean. She climbed the bed and looked at the baby closely. She was curious. So this was the baby who was stealing the limelight. He was kinda cute, she thought. What if I step on his face? Would he cry?
So Ja lifted up her foot slowly... and when it barely touched the baby’s nose, she stopped. Suddenly she realized that she actually liked this boy. She remembered Mak saying something like this boy was going to call her Kak Ja when he could speak. She quite liked the thought.
And she left the bed. The baby boy was left unharmed.
That was my two Dosa I made to you! Although I can’t remember a lot of things when we were younger, those two I remember crisp and clear. There you go - Confessions of a Sister!

HAPPY 37th BIRTHDAY ‘LIL BRO! May you get the best in everything you do. May you be blessed with great health, abundance and happiness, lots of love and laughters and most of all, be blessed with a beautiful heart and imaan. May you and your beautiful family live life the best throughout the year, and many more years to come!
Adik on his 4th birthday in 1976.

You nearly penyetkan hidung adik you? hahaha
You are a very loving sister. Imagine at 6 years old you nearly sold your adik comel ke aruah Pak Ngah you but change your mind at the last minute! Thats love!
Happy Birthday to your brother too.Hes so lucky to have a darling kakak macam you!
Dear Mamasita,
Yeap, tu sebabnya I remember the 'feeling' clearly. I still ingat macamana I stood on the bed, looking down .. ishh jahat sungguh niat I. Nasib baik lah my conscience cepat timbul!
Baik jugak I ni...hahahaha!
Yes..I remember clearly the day you want to sell adik to arwah Pak Ngah..Siap dengan plastik bag lagi..nak bagi bawa adik pi..hehehe..pasal nak penyek hidung adik comment..Happy birthday Adik..
Kak Anim,
Laa... sampai lagu tu sekali ka? That I don't remember! Siap dengan plastic bag? Mak aaii... nampak sangat jealous tu.. But in reality I memang suka baby tu. Cuma mungkin geram sangat sebab ramai sangat mai rumah time tu..
my my! sampai nak 'jual'? Hehehe.
Comel sungguh budak2 nih. Jujur. :D
Hahaha! Kelakarlah you...Siap nak juai adik. Juai pakai kati ka, Ja?! :)
Here's wishing your lil' Bro a Happy 37th Bithday, and may his life be blessed always :)
Murah tu nak juai adik regardless 100 or 1000 bucks. You can still remember what happened at 6 yers old? Must be the guilt. Alhamdulillah your adik dah 37 years old already. I am sure he appreciates the kakak very much.
Hahaha, sibling rivalry!! I can remember I fought with my sister all the time. Happy Birthday to your adik.
Selamat Panjang Umur to your adik...
Nasib baik you came to yr senses sebelum smpat you penyetkan hidung dia.
Hi Akmal,
Tu lah, jealous punya pasal. Nasib baik adik boy, kalau girl lagi teruklah gamaknya...hahaha!
Dear Wanshana,
Pakai kati lah kot, sebab according to Ibunim I siap bagi plastic bag lagi...
Tapi actually sayang baby tu... sapa tak sayang adik...
Dear Tireless Mom,
I've been asking myself so many times before... why i can still remember the details so clearly. I came to the same conclusion - it's the guilt. The conversation with my Arwah Pak Ngah and the stepping-on-face incident somehow remain clear to me.
Until now I can still recall the feeling I had during that particular moment on that bed. It's definitely the GUILT. Nasib baik I came back to my senses and recalled Mak's explanation about this baby gonna call me Kak Ja....
Dear Mum and Roses,
Sibling rivalry... Masa primary school years dengan my older sister(only sis) pun I kaki buli dia. I was on a phone with my used-to-be-neighbor last few weeks and she told me how she pitied my sister Hanim sebab I kuat buli. She said I'd always pinch Kak Anim and Kak Anim would never said anything. Alih-alih meleleh saja ayaq mata Kak Anim. Baik punya kakak. Never told Mak about me bullying her.
Adoi... sorry Kak Anim. I was such a bad girl!
Dear mamamia,
Betul tu.. kalau I pijak saja time tu, mesti sampai sekarang I tak berani confess macam ni...
Ja...u kan kiut miut masa kecik2 dulu..tentulah u terasa challenge bila ada sorang lagi si kiut dalam satu rumah ye.I can imagine that...
Tapi I dulu punyalah kedekut, protective habis. Sapa mintak adik I, enon yg baru lahir (in 1968), I katuk kepala org tu dgn batang penyapu. Niayalah kawan my mum yg mai ziarah mak I bersalin tu.Tu la, mintak sangat adik I!...
Anyway, Happy Birthday to your adik bungsu.
Yus dear,
Baiknya you as a kak! Nasib baik tak kena saman...hahaha!
I teringat kisah you penah cerita pasal your sister (Kak Yang ka) nak korek mata you masa you baby dulu. Was it you ke I salah orang?
Hello Ibu, how you doin'?
Enjoyed this posting. Suka your song selection too.
Women gather together to wear silly hats, eat dainty food, and forget how unresponsive their husbands are.
Men gather to talk sports, eat heavy food, and forget how demanding their wives are.
Only where children gather is there any real chance of fun.
You have fun and keep well, best regards, Lee.
Ps, ada senang drop by.
Dear U.Lee,
You're right! Children will always be children. Memories are too expensive to be forgotten :)
Have a great weekend !
Ja, you pun ingat lagi? hahahha..betui la tu. kakyang was the culprit yg nak korek mata I masa baby. patutla I ni rabun takdak dah sampai la ni. dia pulak mata duk terang benderang..hai...nasib badan...
Happy Bday to yr bro DDI.
37 tu muda lagi.
43 pun muda juga.
Cemana ye kalau sentiasa rasa muda je...hehehe.
Kak Ja... hahaha! Cute nya your story ni. But did you really try to pijak him??? Woahhh....
ha ha ha... Ja, I know the feeling, I was 6+ too when my Mak delivered my sister... I hated the fuss and the attention given to her. Later, whenever I was asked to play with or look after her, I will just put her in the stroller and deposit her at the neighbours'.
Kak Ja,
I know how u felt then...hehe
Btw, Happy belated birthday AbgChik
Hi Yus,
So betullah Kak Yang buat you camtu... Sama perangai dgn I lah nampak gayanya. Nasib baik tak buat betui.... kalau dak....
Dear Chahya,
You'll feel young at 43 when you see older people...hahaha... OK jugak kalau all the time rasa muda :)
Yang penting happy, kan?
Ja dear,
Yeap, memang I ingat sampai sekarang the 'feeling' masa tu. so naughty of me. Memang lucky sangatlah when my conscience strikes.
Dear AA,
Really? Nasib baik orang tak bawak pelari adik tu!
Actially sibling rivalry/jealousy mostly happenlah in a family. It's good when nothing untoward happen to the younger siblings....
Dear Ja,
Mesti dah pernah rasa jugak ni..hehehe..
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