Haifa : Ibu, Ibu sayang Haifa tak? (dengan muka sedey..)
Ibu : Sayaaang sangat... awat Haifa tanya?
Haifa : Sebab Ibu marah Haifa..
Ibu : Mestilah Ibu marah... Haifa kan bagi ikan laga 2 ekor tu mati... kesian Adik Hanis, ikan-ikan tu dah tak ada...
Haifa : Tapi kan Ibu, masa Haifa letak fish tu atas meja, fish tu hidup lagi lah Ibu. Lepas Haifa masukkan balik dalam bekas dia baru dia macam tidur je... Haifa tak buat apa pun...
Ibu : Haifa, fish kena breathe dalam air. Kalau tak ada air, fish tak boleh breathe, sebab tu dia mati... Haifa keluarkan fish 2 ekor tu dari bekas & letak atas meja, memanglah fish tu tak boleh breathe...
Haifa : Ibu janganlah marah Haifa..
Ibu : Ibu dah tak marah dah. Kan ke Ibu dah punish Haifa tak boleh main Handphone Haifa for 1 week?
Haifa : Ok (buat muka sedey lagi...) tapi boleh tak Haifa nak icecream? Ibu : Ok.. tapi jangan berkecah ok..
Haifa : Yay!
That's my Haifa. I've always expect the unexpected from Haifa. She once squeezed a goldfish to its horrifying death when she was 2+. At 5, she wrote "I Love My Family" using a permanent marker on the polished tile in the living room. There were many things that she'd done that made Ayah and I often wondered -"How did she come up with that thing?" or "How could she do that?" or "She promised- but she still did it" or "It's unthinkable, that thing was ok an hour ago".
Last Friday I bought a family of porcelain chickens - 3 chicks and their dad&mom. They were sitting 'happily' on the grass. Two hours later, the 'dad' was gone. Big sister Hasya came running telling me she couldn't find the biggest 'ayam'.
I said, "Ask Haifa". "Hasya dah tanya, dia kata tak tau".
I called her, "Haifa, mana Bapak Ayam tu?" (oops, not that "Bapak Ayam, ok!)
"Haifa tak tau..." came the answer.. siap dengan muka pitiful dia.
Recognizing that reaction, I said "Haifa, tell Ibu the truth, did you break the ayam or not?" And she burst out crying.. air mata meleleh-leleh... kesian pun ada... anakkan... but I want to get the truth out of her.. "Haifa, Haifa letak mana?? Just tell me the truth. If you tell me the truth, Ibu tak marah" ni suara dah tinggi ni.. and her tears dah menderu-deru...
Belum sempat Haifa jawab, Hasya said" Ibu, Hasya jumpa dah ayam tu dalam bilik Hanis, Ibu. Kat belakang katil. Dah patah kat ekor.. tapi Haifa dah letak cellotape & sembunyikan kat belakang tu"..
Oh..no wonder - half an hour before, when I was reading the newspaper in the family hall, she came and hugged me so tight I could barely breathe and said "I love you Ibu"... rupanya dia dah buat salah...
That's my Haifa.. My princess who's always writing "I Love You" cards, "Ibu & Haifa" drawings and notes. Haifa, my fifth child. My unpredictable girl. My full of varieties girl.
I love you too, Haifa!

Hai Kak Dalam Dakapan Ibu..
Salam perkenalan.. Was bloghopping from Kak Shana's blog...Sedih ada nak ketawa pun ada baca your entry ni.. Even I yang don't have kids pun can feel the love you have for your kids..
Take care kak..
Hi Anom,
TQ for dropping by. Itulah... pe'el budak-budak..macam-macam :)
Anom belum diberi rezeki lagi tu... nanti kalau dah ada, mcm ketapi pulak berderet-deret..he..he..
Insyallah kak.. Thanks for linking my blog in yours. Just read your entry about Hanna and your special kids - Haziq and Husna.. You must have great strength and love for all your kids..
I am linking your blog in mine too..
Salam Dalam Dakapan Ibu :o)
Haifa sounds like a handful but a loving child.
Thank you for blog-hopping to my blog :o)
Have a good day :o)
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