So my dear princess Hanis - HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY!

You're such a petite 'lil girl that I didn't realized that you're such a 'big' girl now..hehehe....
Hanis, Ibu and Ayah hope that you'll be an anak solehah, a bright and caring girl and a tough cookie! Life is a long journey which is full of roses and thorns - so Ibu and Ayah pray that you'll be successful through out the journey no matter what happens. Remember that our do'a will always be with you Hanis.
Have fun with the clown and the Barbie doll(s) :) We'll cut the cake tonite after iftar ok?

Please say to Hanis happy birthday for me ya :)
Cute nyer little princess ni..! Happy Birthday Hanis!
Girls and barbie dolls..! I think anak you boleh geng dengan anak I la...anak I, Sasha just turned 3 yo last Aug.
happy besday Hanis....
macam rupa ibu kecik2 dulu; esp tang the hair and the smile...
Ja, bawak mai lah depa ke rumah. geraam aih I tengok! :)
Happy 3rd Birthday, dear sweet Hanis!
Bestnyer!!! 3 Barbie Dolls for her 3rd birthday. Next year dapat 4? :)
Love the cake. Home-made, ke?
Dear Akmal,
TQ... I'll do that :)
Dear Waterlily,
Boleh gang lah Sasha & Hanis tu...
I brought her to OU and asked her what she wanted - of course lah nak Barbie doll.
My 9yo pun still nak Barbie, so I don't know when Barbie won't be in girls' birthday wishlist.. hihihi... at 20 perhaps?
Yus dear,
Tang tocang tu sama kot... cuma rambut Hanis ni sikit compared to when I was her age.
InsyaAllah kalau tak dak apa-apa, boleh plan jumpa. I plan nak ke Kodiang on the 1st Raya. Dah dekat dgn your place tu. 2nd raya will be Tunjang and the 3rd tak ke mana2 coz my Mak selalu buat open house.
You're planning to meet with Linda & Noorin ka? Let me know ok.. mana tau boleh join...
Hi Shana,
TQ :) Perasan tak I wrote Barbie doll(s)? Reason: only the one on her right is hers. Yg 2 lagi tu Haifa & Hasya punya.
Nak buat macamana - everytime A punya birthday - B,C and D nak present jugak. The condition : The non-birthday girls can only choose presents with prices not exceeding yg birthday girl punya.
So enjoy sakan lah diorang everytime a birthday comes!
Cake tu cake order lah Shana. Hehehe.. how I wish..if only I could bake and decorate such a cake.. eee... bestnya....
yea...rambut you lebat dan tebal. bila end of darjah 2 you potong paras bahu. semua mcm terbeliak!! sayaaaangnyaaaa....
darjah 5 you perm wavy. ooohhh masih ku ingat....
you boleh join ka Ja? bestnye... kalau boleh join, bagi clear diary on 29th Sept. InsyaAllah nak pi tghari tu. tu pun bergantung pd linda n noorin's convenience dulu.
Kalau dah sampai Kodiang, check dulu before bertolak ke C'lun. Takut I still sangkut kat tmnUda. Tapi I hope to see you n your family lah, sungguh.
29th baru nak bertolak balik ke A/S. The reason: Hanna & my maid's flight will be that morning. So yg naik kereta ni kena bertolak lambat sikit laa... Nak sumbat masuk kereta tak muat pulak...
I'll give you a call kalau dah sampai Kodiang. Selalunya belah petang. So tak sure lagu mana nanti. Kalau ada rezeki, kita jumpa la:)
Yus, I tak perm rambut I tau. That was my ori rambut, memang wavy camtu. Ikut Ayah I kot...
ya ka? masa rambut panjang kan ka dendan saja, mana nak perasan kata rambut you ori wavy. Duk berpintal2 dan tibai muka orang sedia. hihihi...
Tapi betuila, you got that hairstyle sampai last we met kat UUM, which was in 1990. pas tu u pun dah pakai tudung bila kita jumpa rumah linda.
hanis ni chubby cheeks la. gerammm i!!! you dulu ada dimples dak tak tau? tang tu i lupa. i ingat cheekbones you jer...
Hello Ibu, happy birthday to Hanis. She's really pretty. Bet she got her good looks from her mom, huh? Ha ha.
Bet she having fun with the dolls.....
Have a nice day, Ibu, Lee.
Happy 3rd Bday Hanis...
So, everytime ada sorang sambut bday, Ibu kena beli utk the rests jugaklah.. Boleh pokai macam ni,
My younger girls pun minat dengan Barbie dolls ni. Tapi ada yang dah tak berbaju, rambut dah kena potong, & hilang kaki/tangan pun ada...
Happy Birthday Hanis! Boleh kongsi kethe Barbie dolls? ;)
Happy Birthday to Hanis. Semuga panjang umur, murah rezeki dan stay comel forever. :)
Happy Belated Birthday Hanis!
Kak Ja, I think she's happy with all those dolls. What do you think? lol.
Hihihi...Yus, ya ka rambut I dok tibai muka orang? My daughters 5 orang semua rambut panjang. Tapi I try tak bagi panjang dari paras pinggang lah.
Whenever I asked them - nak potong rambut pendek ka? Depa mesti kata -- eeeww... tak nak jadi macam boy lah Ibu. Hari tu Haifa sampai menangis bila I threaten nak potong rambut dia sebab dia dok biar rambut dia berserabai...
Hi U.Lee,
TQ :) Hanis's having fun playing with her doll and her sisters' dolls...
You have a good weekend U.Lee..
Memang pokai la... When they were younger, I'd have a problem everytime I wanted to buy the birthday girl's present. Jalan mudah, beli yg lain punya sama, tapi murah sikit lah.
I never had a Barbie doll when I was their age. Rasanya memang tak pernah tengok kot..hehehe..
Hanis said you may share the doll(s) with her.... :)
Dear Yatie,
TQ for the do'a... amiiin.. :)
Hi Farina,
Betul tu, memang Hanis happy pun... especially when the Bardnie & the Diamond Castle DVD is out recently. Asyik tengok DVD tu saja...
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