Hello Ibu, I wish you and family the best of Seasons greetings and Selamat tahun baru. Wishing you good health, lots of smiles and sunshine always....and terima kaseh for being a friend. Best regards, Lee.
Ameen...am a bit late to hop here but I wish you the same too DDI. And I hope the new year brings more rezqi, wealth and better health to you and family.
DDI, Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year and Salam Maal Hijrah.... May you have fruitful year, with plenty of joy and happiness. May this year brings us good health and prosperity throughout the year... May our children achieves their targets and in Allah's protection always... May all the best comes out this promising year for all of us.. Dont forget to plan for family gathering this year....:p Take care and regards
Dear Ibunim, TQ for the wishes and do'a. I amiiin your doa 3000 times :)
Bz gila with the girls... Today baru settle. Haifa cried again this morning but Hanis didn't. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard her laughing this morning... syok nak pi sekolah.
Haifa, however is a bit on the 'manja+sedih' side. I sent her to school myself this morning. Anak dara tu nampak saja strong, tapi very sensitive...
Salam Maal Hijrah to u too. Re tuition, hope you've checked yr email.
Amin. Insya Allah.
Selamat Menyambut Ma'al Hijrah to you and family, too. :)
Ameen... Salam Ma'al Hijrah to you & family too... semoga 1430H membawa segala keberkatan buat kita...
Hello Ibu, I wish you and family the best of Seasons greetings and Selamat tahun baru. Wishing you good health, lots of smiles and sunshine always....and terima kaseh for being a friend.
Best regards, Lee.
Ameen...am a bit late to hop here but I wish you the same too DDI. And I hope the new year brings more rezqi, wealth and better health to you and family.
Happy New Year to you and family (Ayah, Haziq, Husna, Hanna, Hasya, Haifa and Hanis, got tercicir, ar?), Aunty Ja!
Hope you all have a great year ahead of you...=)
Lotsa love from wayyyy over here...*Hugs*
Dear Chahya,
TQVM Chahya. I really appreciate it. Baru sempat ni nak kata TQ :)
Dear Wanshana,
Let's hope this new year 1430 will be a better year for all of us, InsyaAllah :)
Dear myheartbleeds,
Yes... let's hope for the best :)
Dear Uncle Lee,
TQ for the wishes... I hope you had a good Christmas... I meant a COOL one....hehehe...
Have a great weekend, friend :)
Dear Waterlily,
I amiin your do'a, dear. Let's hope for a good year for all of us :)
Darliiing Daphne,
I hope this new year will bring great adventures for you and great results (exams) as well :)
You're such a special person, Daphne... a rare one! I pray for your success... :)
Dear DDI
It is not too late for me to wish you Selamat 1430 H and Happy 2009 kan.
DDI, Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year and Salam Maal Hijrah....
May you have fruitful year, with plenty of joy and happiness. May this year brings us good health and prosperity throughout the year...
May our children achieves their targets and in Allah's protection always...
May all the best comes out this promising year for all of us..
Dont forget to plan for family gathering this year....:p
Take care and regards
Dear Tireless Mom,
TQ... I hope this ne wyear will bring the best for everybody :)
Dear Ibunim,
TQ for the wishes and do'a. I amiiin your doa 3000 times :)
Bz gila with the girls... Today baru settle. Haifa cried again this morning but Hanis didn't. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard her laughing this morning... syok nak pi sekolah.
Haifa, however is a bit on the 'manja+sedih' side. I sent her to school myself this morning. Anak dara tu nampak saja strong, tapi very sensitive...
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