
Untuk Ayahanda tercinta
Kiranya bulan bisa bicara
Akan terucaplah kata-kata
Bagaimana anakmu ini
Kiranya angin bisa menyanyi
Akan terdengarlah bait-bait
Bagaimana anakmu ini
Walaupun kemarau curahan rasa
Setiap titik darah di tubuh ini
Tahu... dan Mengerti
Luahan itu cuma suara...
Selamat Ulang Tahun Ayahanda
Semoga dipanjangkan umur
Dimurahkan rezeki
Dipelihara kesihatan
Dipayungi kebaikan
Dijauhi segala kejahatan
Dilimpahi kesenangan dan kasih-sayang
Dikurniakan iman sejati
Diluaskan idea penulisan...
~Dari Anakanda sekeluarga~

Semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki...dilindungi dari kesusahan dan dikurniakan kerberkatan serta keimanan..Aminnnn..
Terima Kasih. Pandai buat sajak.Ayah nak tengok Ja buat pantun atau syair pula. Tak ada siapa anak cucu atau menantu turut ayah buat puisi tradisional. Ayah harap Ja boleh buat sajak dan cerpen.Cari buku teknik menulisnya.Kak Nim buat novel, sebab dia rajin baca novel.Tengok teknik menulis novel. Siapa pula nak berpantun?(Abdul Halim "R" 19 Dis.08
Kak Ja,
Birthday wishes untuk ayah Kak Ja. Semuga panjang umur, murah rezeki dan diberkati Allah SWT dan kesihatan yang baik.
Hello DKIbu, many happy returns untuk ayah Ibu.
Best wishes, lots of good health and laughter always to him.
Have a wonderful birthday, Uncle. Keep well, Lee.
We remembered your father for his Buku Pantun way back in 1970.If i am not mistaken, it is Pantun 100.
We know that the R behind his name is your mother's name.
Please send my regards to him.
My Che Gu in SAHC.
Azudin Fuad
Hai..went to chahya's blog and thought I might as well get acquainted with a few of Chahya's geng.
So your Dad is 71..Alhamdullillah syukur.Hope he had a very enjoyable birthday with his children and cucu2..
Please come over to my blog and hopefully we can visit each other in the cyberspace as often as possible kan?Thanks!
p.s.Your Dad has one of the warmest and kindest smile!
Dear Ibunim,
Dear AYAH,
Kalau MRSM dulu ada offer jurusan 'sastera', Ja dah lama jadi penulis macam AYAH kot...hehehe.. Ja pernah buat satu sajak yg pernah jadi kontroversi & kecoh masa kat MRSM dulu. Nasib baik orang tak tau siapa yg tulis... phew... berpeluh jugak masa tu...
Setakat berbalas pantun & jadi sidang redaksi majalah pernah lah kot... Tapi dah tua macam ni dah kematu dah rasanya...hehehe...
Dear Yatie,
TQ for the wishes.... Amiiinn...
Dear U.Lee,
TQ for the wishes. At his age, my father is still bz with his Persatuans, writing, meetings and other activities such as being a judge in Pantun competitions, give talks, etc etc...
I'm happy that he could still enjoy doing what he likes at this age...
Dear aofuad,
The name of that Pantun book is 'Pantun Serbaneka'. I guess you also remember him selling Minyak Ajaib..hehehe.. Most of his students I met remember that too.
You're right - that 'R' is my mom's initial... sometimes he'd say the 'R' meant 'Rahsia'...
I've already sent your salam thru my mom just now :)
Dear Mamasita,
TQ for dropping in. Can I link you?
I guess my AYAH had an enjoyable one in Alor Setar. All my 4 siblings & their families live in Kedah. I sorang saja kat sini.
I've been to your blog... rancaknya...
Hi Ja!
Happy Birthday to your dad. He's still young, and young at heart too :) I've seen him walking, memang kalah nak ligan. Tak dan!
Sampaikan salam and belated birthday wish to your dad. Semoga diberkati Allah dan dikurniakan kesihatan yang berpanjangan. Your dad seangkatan dengan mine lah .. 71 this year. I wonder if they know each other. My dad's in Alor Setar too, (he was a teacher/headmaster waaaaay back then), dah "pencen" officially (his last govt post was as Pendaftar at UUM) but still actively involved in many things. Syukur tengok our fathers sihat at their age.
Dear Yus,
TQ na...
Pasai berjalan, AYAH kalau berjalan memang laju. Tinggai habih Mak kat belakang :)
Dear QOTH,
TQ, I'll let him know when I call him tomorrow.
I'm very sure they know each other. Aloq Setaq tu pi mai pi mai tang tu jugak. Bapa Yus pun dia kenai.. My AYAH dulu lama mengajar kat KSAH. Dari 1/6/1968 - 31/12/1980. Tu dia, siap ingat dates lagi!
Since dia started mengajar masa dia 14yo, banyak sekolah and ramai lah anak murid dia. I selalu sangat jumpa ex-students dia... dari yg juai mee rebus sampai ke big shots... yg spoilnya ada my MRSM teachers lagi, masa tu risau takut depa bagi I fail ka..hehehe..
Your dad headmaster sekolah mana?
Ja, you are right about everyone in AS knowing almost everyone else. I found this out when I recently compared notes with my old primary schoolfriends from Convent - almost all our parents knew one another! And the weird thing is, I discovered I am also related one way or another to most of these friends too.
My parents pernah mengajar di SMSultan ABd Halim in Jenan (in the 60s), then my dad jadi HM di SMBaling, and later at SMDarulaman, before he went to work at Jab Pendidikan and later, UUM. He is also an old boy of KSAH, so I am sure our dads must have met at the recent KSAH 100 years celebration.
Hahaha, some of my MRSM teachers too turned out to be my dad's or my mum's bekas anak murid.
My dad, Pak Non, blogs at kotastar.blogspot.com.
dear QOTH,(tumpang lalu Ja)
Hi! ni anak pak non ke?
I sempat kenal pak non when I was a student at UUM, tapi bila dah kerja dgn UUM, he's already retired. Nice knowing you, org Aloq Staq kan baik2...? (walaupun x-SAS vs x-Convent) hahaha...
Tumpang lalu Ja ...
Hi Yus. Hahaha, the long-standing "feud" between SAS and Convent still exist ke? I was at Convent for primary school only, though. So you kerja at UUM now? If you are lecturing, I think kalau I mention a few names, mesti you kenal. Kan it is such a small world?! Were you in the first batch at UUM? (Time tu Tan Sri Awang Had was the VC)
It's great to hear your Dad is healthy and celebrating his bday.
Re tuition, I'll email you ASAP InsyaAllah. I'm still in my kampung right now. When I'm back in KL, which is soon, get the necessary info and let you know immediately.
You stay somewhere near I guess.
Hi QOTH! sorry Ja...makin rancak sembang tepi pagar rumah you nih..
Before you mention any names...let me yell out my cousin's, my neighbor's and bla bla bla names of your batch.. :)
Che Pah(zanifah),hamisah,nurretina,roslina, anis and so many more. But sadly to say, I am a few years junior from you. But hey, we can be friends, right? And who said SAS and Convent gals are enemies. hehhe..My good friends now used to come from SNConvents pa...
I am into administrative line at UUM, but deal a lot with lecturers too. AR la tu. psst..my dear husband is from your batch. org Tmn Uda. heheh.that's how I know many from your batch.
Hahaha sat lagi I lompat masuk pagar, no more sembang tepi pagar.
(tumpang lalu lagi Ja) ...
Yus, nama2 tu kenai sangat -- especially Anis (kami sembang on FB or in our batch's Yahoo group almost daily), Zanifa (who also happens to be related to my husband), Hamisah (I jumpa masa reunion last year and we all pi rumah dia. So which one's your cousin, which one's your neighbour etc? You orang Lrg Fajar ke? So many of my friends are from that area. Hahaha entah-entah husband you pun I kenal!
Eh ... Ja pi mana? I dok sembang dgn Yus aje ni.
sah sah dah...kak misah used to be my neighbor. dari kecik2 (1970) until last few years when my parents sold their house away.lama tu... che pah is my cousin. anis is my husband's friend's girlfriend's friend, hahahha...
eh..Ja...Ja...Ja... jangan mare...
QOTH, you may email me at yus1117@uum.edu.my. Kita sembang panjang nanti.
Chahya dear,
TQ... I'll wait for your email. Next yr my 3rd one will be in Std 6 and my 4th in Std 4. Dah secured with Teacher Ida tapi dia cuma ajar Science & Maths. Thats why I'm looking for cikgu yg ajar English & BM.
Enjoy your hols in kampung :)
Dear Yus & QOTH,
Alaaa... awat tak tunggu nak sembang? Tadi ada meeting....
Ladies, bersembangla kat tepi pagar ka, dalam pagar ka - I lagiiii sukaa hehehe.... Tak payang mintak tumpang pun... kalau ada kopi ke roti empat sagi, boleh jugak I hidang :)
Yus, small world kan? Tu tak cerita budak KSAH ka apa lagi tu..
QOTH batch 1963 ka? My sister 1964, tapi dia express, so dia masuk batch 1963 la....
I tak dan tanya my mom lagi pasai Pak Non, pasti depa kenai punya!
Your dad has got one of the sweetest smiles I've seen!! Mukanya jernih dan bersih... moga dipanjangkan umur, diberi kesihatan yang baik dirahmati Allah selalu... :-D
Ja ... siapa your sister? Kalau batch express tu pasti I kenal, if not personally, at least by name. Dia dah join our Yahoo Group ExSNC 70-80 ke? Oh this is sooooo exciting. Tiba-tiba jadi jejak kasih pulak. And thanks for the invitation to sembang kat rumah you ni.
Yus ... I will email you nanti!
Dear myheartbleeds,
TQ for your do'a... I'm happy that he still writes and does stuff that he likes :)
Dear QOTH,
Lupa pulak... my sister Hanim tapi budak SAS lah..hihi... rival zaman dulu!
I know a few of my sister's friend dari SNC - Rozihana Sheikh Zain, Junaiza, Norazlina, Anis, Zarina... isshhh yg lain lupa pulak, tapi rupa still ingatla. Sebab depa ni naik bas Pak In sama I dulu...
Tu lah, I dok perah otak trying to recall siapa agaknya your sis ni.
All those names you mentioned .... they are some of my oldest and closest Convent friends. Like Junaiza, kenal dari kindergarten lagi. The rest tu ... selalu jugak jumpa/contact la ni!!!
Ish, macam masuk twilight zone sungguh!
Ja (and QOTH),
masuk bab jejak kasih ni mola nak meraung satgi...trace punya trace, satgi luka lama berdarah kembali. huhuhu...hahahah..mola nak jadi mereben tak tentu pasai.
Anyway QOTH, I am sure my husband knew you masa zaman dolu2 tu. I think dia pernah mention 'anak pak non pendaftar UUM' specifically.
Lagi satu, kalau ex-SAS dan ex-Convent yg tgh duk berbaik2 la ni (mcm kita ni) bukak cerita pasai KSAH boys... musti nak mola cakar2 ala rimau gitu. kah kah kah. Tapi I nasib baik sbb my husband bukan ex KSAH. He's from Keat Hwa. So, QOTH, did I ring any bell yet? :)
QOTH exgf che abang ke??? Jeng..jeng jenggg....
Yus, here I was thinking ... I kenal ke anyone from Keat Hwa??? Oh tidak, I tak ingat lah. Siapa? Siapa?
Hehehe nasib baik bukan ex-boyfriend ke apa!!!! Shhhh ....
Ja .... just the other day my friends tu dok bernostalgia pasai bas depa naik dulu.
Astaga...takkan ada lagi list tambahan kut?? Dak aih kut..jgn buat gempak pulak Ja.
QOTH, If I mention the name Ida, anak pak azhari jln menteri, you kenal kut. Kalau you kenal ex-fiance dia, you mesti kenal member kamcheng ex-fiance dia. depa ni selalu keluar double date kut. hahahahah...cuba teka. Ja, tak payah teka! :) Satgi bukak balik kitab lama, compare notes tgk. I ni pun dapat cerita yg dah basi la. Nak buat camna, jodoh se abad kemudian.
QOTH, I ingat Cikgu SNC sorang tu tegur Norazlina atas bas - 'rambut awak kena saya gatai lah'...
Ada 'cikgu rambut merah' kan?
Yus, Sorryla... serkap jarang saja...
Ida anak Pak Azhari Jln Menteri... hmmhh.. I tau sorang saja dok situ Azman Pawanchik ka... ka I salah orang? Confuse, confuse...
Ja and Yus ... jangan dok jeng jeng jennggg kasi orang suspense!!
I tak kenal rasanya. Secondary school I pi MRSM Seremban so I ketinggalan sikitlah when it comes to the "dating scene' in AS. Hahaha.
Cikgu rambut merah pun I tak tau but I think if I mention to the Geng Bas Sekolah, depa tau kot!
azman pawancik pun another good friend of his.eh, come to think of this, muka depa nak sama la. I mean my hubby and azman.
I pernah dengar nama Azman Wan Cik ... sister dia nama Azliza ke? Azliza my batch at Convent.
Nak pendek cerita, kita balik ke pangkal cerita asai, my dad-in-law musti kenai your dad, and also Ja's dad, vice versa 3 penjuru la ni. He was attached to the Pejabat Pelajaran Kedah, sezaman la dgn your dad. Mention the name Tunku Mansur to your dad, sure dia kenai kut. Yg pakai spek mcm sapa tu, the blind black singer tu? hai..lupa pulak bila nak sebut! ;)
Hahaha tempat ni twilight zone ke apa!! AOFuad kat atas tu just discovered he is my second cousin!! Masyallah!
Azudin, I ingat-ingat lupa which one of Uncle Fuad's son you are. You must be much younger?? I bukan tak kenal your sisters brothers semua, cuma tak rapat and jarang jumpa. When I was younger, I selalu ikut my grandma (Tok Su Yam) pi your father's house. Adik-beradik panggil I Na/Kak Na. In fact, I baru hari ni join the Geni family tree through Ida. (You all ... ni Ida my second cousin bukan Ida yang Yus mentioned tu).
This has truly turned into a jejak kasih place!!!
Hahaha...Ja, there goes QOTH's 1st prize down the road.
Selamat menjejak sedara mara la pulak QOTH. And hence begins another cycle of rediscovering.
Thanks Ja for the roti empat sagi and the nice cuppa kopi. I nak balik dah ni.
Ish.. awat tak tau... rasa macam balik Alor Setarq pulak..
Happy Birthday to your dad Ja. Moga sihat, bahagia hendaknya.
Join facebook la. lagi banyak boleh jejak kasih..
QOTH, betoila - patut you tak tau pasai Cikgu rambut merah, you pi MRSM Seremban & I pi MRSM Kulim. Cuma I tahu banyak jugak pasai my sister Hanim masa Secondary school pun SAS.
Laaa... jumpa your 2nd cousin Azudin kat sini! I pun join Geni utk my mother punya side Gang Tunjang. Dah into hundreds dah now.
Yus, betoi la Pak Tunku macam penyanyi apa tu.. I pun tak ingat nama dia. Sure Pak Non kenai Tunku Mansor sebab dia dulu pun kat PP.
(QOTH, pak mentua Yus Tunku Mansor ni dulu neighbor I masa I dok quarters kat Kampung Baru Sekolah Rendah Tunku Abdul Halim tu..., satgi jejak kasih budak2 Sek Tunku Abdul Halim pulak..hihi..)
Jejak Kasih... baguih... baguih :)
TQ... my father dok nak update blog dia tapi tak berapa pandai... baru nak belajaq...
Yus, betoi, joinla FB - boleh jejak kasih kawan2 lama...
Aiseyman Ja, you kata mak you orang Tunjang? Jangan-jangan ada sangkut lagi tak? Hahaha, biaq betoi! My grandma (mak Pak Non) asalnya orang Tunjang juga. But I really tak kenal langsung family from that side, ada lah just a few. Talking about sekolah Abdul Halim .... my brother & my brother-in-law were students there. And then ada satu family who lived nearby - sebelah istana lama tu - who are my relatives. Otak karat I ni tak ingatlah pulak any names!
The black singer ... Stevie Wonder? Ray Washington? Heheh.
Apa pun, sah lah kalau orang Alor Setar, pi mai pi mai tang tu jugak. Who would have thought I terjumpa my 2nd cousin here, kan Abang Din?
Morning Ja, and QOTH...
pagi2 subuh syapie ni I nak habag that sebenaqnya kan QOTH, my husband mmg kawan your brother. ahahhahah..yg dia pernah mention anak pak non pendaftar uum tu sebenaqnya he was talking about your brother. so, Ja, terjawablah segala misteri senarai kedua ada ke tak de tu, okey....(and your brother kan QOTH, dulu tu pi sama tempat dgn Ja's sister,kak anim kat london nun) lepas ni suruh depa pulak menjejak kasih. hahahhahahah...
Zeelah, welcome back into the twilight zone of the small town of Aloq Setaq.
Stevie Wonder!!! That's what my husband used to call his dad.
Semalam tak leh tidog, was so excited to break this news.
OK gals. Have fun where ever you are.
QOTH and Ja,
Azliza and Azman memang anak Uncle Wancik. Adik sorang lagi, Azlina tu jadi menantu TanSri Osman Aroff pulak.Glamer gitu.
OOoopps! Sorry terlewat sikit...
Do convey my belated birthday wish to your Ayah, ya Ja?
I agree - he has the nicest and warmest smile :) (and if I'm not mistaken from what I read somewhere, you look like your Ayah, kan? ;))
Take care, Ja.
(Oh ya...you've been tagged! Please hop by my blog:))
salam kak ja...
wht a surprise!! heheheh...intan la niee cam malas gak but i do still hop around daily on my favs blog which now will include yours :)
mommy, so far is recovering and she will be 66years old tomorrow!! we will be going to pd, just to chill out. she's looking forward to this trip. And yes Ayu dah berangkat ke paris and she's pregnant with her 2nd baby. kak long has 1 boy now, recently turn 1 on 15/12. such a gorgeous boy, not at all grumpy like her mom..hehehehe...
not bad yee..kak jat taste of songs..i like it...
take care kak ja..and dtg2 la rumah k..nanti intan cakap ngan mommy...
but of course mom is still sad of u know what kan...the kids did not even call on hari raya haji..adusss...macam mana la kak ja..susah betul... and tht day she went to pusara, she said lalang kat atas pusara dah tinggi melantun, i just pacify her by saying sbb hari hujan kot, so cepat la lalang tumbuh...
ehh..panjang lebat plak komen nie... hehehe
Kak Anim nak tumpang lalu sikit..
I guess I do know your brother macam Yus cakap tu..Zaid kan? I dont think we've met but I'm quite close to Zaid when we were in London. Ye la..Malaysian student selalunya berkelompok at one place...I remember your father pernah went to London when we were there...
Nanti kena cari jejak kasih pulak..been looking for Zaid for quite sometime now...Send my regards to him ok..
Tumpang lalu, Ja. Hanim, masyaallah, baru I ingat!! Actually, we HAVE met. I went to London and stayed at that hostel(?) in Bayswater for a week. Did I tumpang your room or someone else's?
I think I pernah ikut Zaid pi hantar something to your house in PKNK(?) ANyway, he is with Sime Darby now, lives in Shah Alam and has 6 kids. Nanti I bagi tau kat dia I jujmpa you online, hehe. I've added you in FB too. Take care.
Salam Kak,
Happy birthday to your father.
Sorry if this is not the right time to ask, but I saw that your child is wearing a very unique swimsuit (merah). Boleh tak saya tahu akak beli tu di mana?
Terima Kasih, Sofia.
Dear QOTH,
Rasanya kita ni ada sangkut jugak ni. My mom memang orang Tunjang... aunties dok area rumah Tan Sri Halim Ali tu... My dad org Kodiang.
Sekolah Tunku Abdul Halim - I memang dok lama situ. My older brother Hayazi(born 1962) pun sekolah situ b4 going to Sek Sains SP. Family sebelah pagar tu (between Sekolah Tunku Abdul Halim dgn Convent) semua memmer2 my mom belaka - mcm Pak Pin punya clan....
Tengok muka you dlm FB, mcm kenailah pulak... :)
Betoi... Azman WC tu member my bro Hayazi. Adik dia I tak kenai... Dok Jln Menteri kan dulu...
Tu dia.. jejak kasih!
Dear Shana,
TQ for the wishes :)
Memang betul, dalam 5 orang anak dia, I yg banyak resemble dia... Orang kata 'sejuk', tapi yg paling banyak nak 'bangkang2' tu I lah..hehehe..
So I've been tagged.... Nanti I buat I punya.. 2-3 hari ni ada tamu kat rumah, so tak sempat nak duduk menulis camni... Ni curi sat.. :)
Dear Intan,
I'm so glad that you drop by. Kak Bai and I've been procrastinating nak pi jumpa Mummy sampailah dia dah sihat... apa punya perangai daa.. :( Now Kak Bai is in Mekah performing the Haj. Tak sure bila nak pi, but it's been there in the to-do list tapi tak execute pun...
Mas dah ada baby boy! Cutenya! Saw his pix in ur blog. Did she just quit her job? I hope things go well with her....
Reg 'that'... it must have hurt Mummy still... I dah lama tak dengar khabar 'dia', not even thru email. Thank God for an aunty like you - tukang 'menggamkan' segala yg koyak and loose...
Pasal lagu tu, most are my 80's favs..hehehe.. my hubby siap komen... aiik apasal ada lagu NKOTB.. I said - dulu my fav apa :)
Pls keep in touch ok Intan. And salam to Mummy. Hugs for the kids if you ever saw them....
Dear Sofia,
TQ for dropping in. And TQ for the bday wish :)
The red one - the one Hanis's wearing, right? That brand's called SWIMSAFE. Dulu ada boutique kat Taipan USJ tapi dah lama tutup. My kids masa kecik2 tak reti swim dulu semua pakai this brand sebab ada 'pelampung' inside.
Bila kedai tu dah tutup, I bought them at Toys r Us and later kat Sealantis at OU. Sealantis ni is next to Arena Food Court kat OU. Diorang ada swimming pool and scuba diving lessons where my Hanna and Hasya took their swimming
The one's Hanis is wearing is bought at Ikano- masa tu ada sale for factory outlets. Among the sale items ada satu SWIMSAFE (sesat kut), so I just grabbed it.
I'm not sure whether Toys r us or Sealantis still sell them. But you can check them out... :)
Ja ... macam kenai muka I? Hahaha must be sebab muka common ni.
Ja, Qoth, AO and KakAnim...
Hie..chek cuti 2 hari macam2 jadi on-line nu? Seronok rasa...mcm TV3 punya emcee Jejak Kasih pulak la..Duk sengeh campur sayu sorang2 kat corner lepas tengok semua yg jumpa duk peluk2 gumbira. Ah...God really work in mysterious ways...amazing kan?
AO, my dad says TQ for the salam. He ingat2 lupa about you but definitely not about your late dad. AlFatihah to him.
QOTH, my che abang asked what happen to your house in AS? And how to contact your brother.
Ja,thanks for your wonderful space. It is magical.
Ja ... look what happened!! Habis semua orang found out that we are related one way or another!
Yus ... ada lagi satu surprise. Abang Din bagi tau one of your anak menakan is married to one of our second cousins. (Our cousin ni mother dia nama Mahani, grandmother dia we all panggil Tok Tam. I have no idea though which cousin this is - male or female). Can you be Sherlock Holmes and check it out?
Rumah di Jalan Sultanah tu? Sad story .... my mom passed away in February 2007 and there was no one to stay there to take care of the house. We all adik beradik tak ramai - I am in KL, my brother Zaid is in Shah Alam and another brother lives in Kulim and works in Seberang Perai (our youngest brother passed away in 1991 when he was 15. Sedih kan?) We all pun tak berupaya nak balik AS selalu. My father lives in another house (with my stepmom) and I suppose kalau dia sorang nak jaga rumah tu pun susah jugak. So he decided the best thing to do is rent it out. So, itulah ceritanya. Memang sedih bila balik AS tak dapat nak balik pi duduk rumah we all tu, but what else to do?
Nanti I email you my brother's contact number.
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