I took the two-featherless-baby-birds' photos while the mother was away. I wasn’t able to get the best shots since I was in a hurry to get ready to send Dear Hubby to KLIA this morning. I hope to get the best angle and post later - with their mouths open and necks extended.

The nestlings- eyes closed and naked.
I'll keep on updating their photos. And you know what ... I guess I'll never be able to eat Burung Puyuh Goreng after this!
***update: pics taken at 7pm on 5th May

Notice the insides of its mouth?

Aww... the hungry lil birdies...

Ahhh...anak murid the world famous David Attenborough among us! Congrats to Aunty DDI! Mummy keluar jap aunty tolong babysit eh? hehe
yeay, they've hatched! has Haifa found out? if she has, she must be very excited :o)
Dear Mamasita,
I geram saja.. felt like touching them, tapi kesian la pulak tengok naked camtu...
Dear Syana,
Haifa tak tau lagi la. Kesian kat dia , tapi Kak Ja tak mau take the risk now since the nestlings still macam tu. Rasa guilty jugak tak bagi tau dia.
Petang tadi when I came home, she saw me taking the pictures... I told her that I was taking pictures of the Golden Chain flowers. Looked like she didn't believe me!
Kak Ja,
Those photos are brilliant! Lucky you for capturing such moment. They are co cute...
I think I rather choose not to shoot on such subject. I still nak makan burung puyuh goreng!
Good pics, Kak ja :o)
I am looking at the 2nd pic ... wow, a big mouth for such a lil one.
Don't feel guilty Kak Ja. Anak2 burung tu dah besar skit, boleh la bgtahu Haifa :o)
amazing, splendid!
dumbfounded I tgk sbb pyh nak tgk real moments photos like this... adorable baby birdies, ain't 'em sis?
tak kisah all the angle mangle tu... yg penting you share with us all...thanx to you!
yay!!!! best nya ja....
Dear Ja,
I was lucky to be able to take their pix. The first pic yesterday morning- they were not active at all. Rasanya masa tu baru hatched kot. Balik office that evening, they were very active dah. Suara pun dah keluar.. vague chirping sound.
Hahaha.. rugi satu nikmat dunia - puyuh goreng, kan?
Dear Syana,
I think I'm gonna tell her dalam dua-tiga hari ni. I want herto share the excitement jugak. Cumanya my maids kena dok perhati lah.. just in case ;)
Dear D,
It's so exciting, especially when you can see their progress, from building the nest, laying the eggs, now the lil ones and the growth progress.
Mesti sedih giler bila depa dah fledged nanti...huhuhu...
Dear Min,
Memang best! I hope to capture their progress on camera :)
Kak Ja,
Burung apa tu??
Congratulations on the new addition to the family :)
Nice pics, Ja.
Kena be extra careful - takut ada cats around which might attack the birdies.
oh wow! you boleh kaya ni juai gambaq kat national geographic, takpun kat animal planet.careful che U pun could be attracted to their chirpings. Nice shots Ja.Very real, minus the sound je.
Animal planet made in Malaysia. Agaknya burung tengok manusia melahirkan baby camna pulak dia kata ye.
Alahai merahnya lagi ye..bising depa bunyi?
Selamat menjaga anak2 burung..
Hello Ibu, apa burung ni?
Yes, give or take a week or two and they'll be beautiful.
Now so halpless, like babies.
They will bring good fung shui to you and family. Lee.
Dear Abang Sejuk aka Ja,
Rasanya burung Merbah. Searched the internet and saw the similarities there.
Dear Shana,
TQ, excited I mcm I pulak yg dapat baby!
Memang ada cats yg dok mengurat. I think the cats heard the chirpings. We've moved the teakwood bench which was placed next to the tree further. Takut pulak jadi apa-apa kat babies tu.
Hi Yus,
Susah nak dapat shots tu, especially when the nest is hidden celah2 batang pokok & daun.
Mintak simpang la Cik U tu...eeeee...
Hi Yus,
Susah nak dapat shots tu, especially when the nest is hidden celah2 batang pokok & daun.
Mintak simpang la Cik U tu...eeeee...
Dear TM,
Hahhaha... I never thought of that! Agaknya depa geleng kepala kot!
Hi Ida,
Today nampak dah ada fine feathers. So fast they grow... Bunyi very faint chirpings saja, but enough to attract the cats!
Hi Ida,
Today nampak dah ada fine feathers. So fast they grow... Bunyi very faint chirpings saja, but enough to attract the cats!
Dear U.Lee,
I think they are Merbah. I don't know what they are called in English. Looking at their parents, I'm sure the babies will grow up as handsome as them :)
TQ U.Lee, you have a great weekend, ok?
Cute! Great photos!
Keep udating about the birdies ya.
Dear Chahya,
TQ. I'll try to update their progress here. Now the fine feathers have grown especially at the head area. Eyes have opened. They don't look naked anymore :)
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