And I didn’t look at the card until the assumed wedding day itself, which was on the day after, Saturday the 23rd.
I had my usual Saturday breakfast (hailam coffee and kaya-butter bun)with my Hanis at the nearby restaurant while waiting for my Hanna, Hasya and Haifa to finish up their taekwondo class. It occurred to me then that I didn’t really read what was on the card. What if it was not today, I thought. But I just brushed it aside, and reminded myself to check it when I got home.
Coming back, I had to fetch Dear Hubby from the car workshop where he sent his car to get all his tires changed. And I totally forgot about the card. I had a quick shower and got ready with my kenduri attire. My Hanis wanted to tag along, so we brought her with us. We knew we had to be back before 4pm since the girls would be having their swimming lessons at 4:30pm.
Anyway, off we went. The wedding was in Batu Caves. I looked at the card for the map. Frankly, it wasn’t me at all that day. The usual me would read the card from top to bottom and left to right. But nope, not this time. The map mentioned a Makro Hypermarket on the left of the road, but what we saw was a Tesco. After 10 minutes, we realized something wasn’t quite right. So I called our friend, the groom's mother. It went something like this:
Me : Hi Ros*****, this is DDI.
Ros : Oh... hi DDI. How are you?
Me : Ros.. we couldn’t find your house. I think we’re lost.
Ros : (now sounded confused...) which DDI is this?
Me : Z***’s wife.
Ros : Z***? (now she got more confused) oooh... you’re coming to the wedding...
Me : u-huh
Ros : The wedding’s next monthla... sorry...
Me : (terkedu and started laughing) Oh is it? (laugh some more) BTW, there was no Makro on the way here...
Ros : Hahaha....I made a mistake.... It’s Tesco actually. Sorry DDI, I’m out at the moment or else you can come over.
Me : TQ (still laughing) Our mistake pun... bye!
My eyes darted back to the card. The wedding’s on 27th of June! More than a month to go!!
I felt like a fool for not noticing. Who in the first place mentioned that the wedding was on Saturday? Dear Hubby admitted -he did- but he said wedding cards are usually given like two weeks prior to the wedding, so he just assumed that it was that Saturday... and... errr... expected his Dear Wife to do what she always did – READ!
The good thing that came out of this (other than listening to my Hanis's rendition of London Bridge is Falling Down and Old McDonald in the car) was we got to try the new DUKE highway that people were talking about. Pretty fast. Impressive.
And so we had our lunch at JM Bariani House in Subang Jaya instead. Macam nasik kenduri jugak, kan?
The funny thing was - the couple with two kids on the next table started a conversation with Dear Hubby when I went to wash my hands. Since it was mentioned that we just came back from a kenduri, apparently Dear Hubby had to 'bohong sunat to save face’. He had to say that we tak puas makan at the wedding, rather than telling the nice couple that we were two meatheads who got the wedding date wrong! LOL!

The pengantin booked you a little too early eh, that you thought the wedding was a lot earlier. Well, it happened. It happened to me once too. I went to the khenduri kahwin at night but rupanya it was in the afternoon. It was in one of the Dewan *** which usually people buat waktu malam. Tengok tengok bukan khenduri yang dijemput! He he. Balik ajelah, makan kat kedai mamak. daughter and her boyfriend went to a grand wedding kat that famous Dewan apatu in KL? Semarak or something? Dah makan kenyang2, they realised they tak kenal either bride or groom. Rupanya they attended their "friend's" wedding a week earlier! Tempat sama!Perlahan2 they left the wedding! Burrpp!
Dear Tireless Mom,
Laaa.. nasib baik tak masuk dewan tu & makan. Tapi rasanya kalau dah 'ter'duduk and 'ter'makan, terpaksa buat muka sardine sajalah kot?
Rasanya kita ni banyak buat assumption... sebab tu jadi macam ni kan?
Kak Ja DDI,
Bersemangat sungguh u & hubby ... tapi apakan daya silap hubby pi kenuri staff dia dengan colleagues yang lain...makan kenyang, pengantin tak nampak muka...tunggu jugak. Then his ex-boss tepon...depa tanya dok kat mana...ex-boss cakap kat kenuri lah, khemah hubby kat ex-boss dia, u dah silap kenuri...mai kat sini...khemah biru [kenduri sebelah menyebelah] ex-boss pun mai lah dengan keluarga dia kat khemah biru...lepak n makan...then tanya org...mana pengantin...sekali pengantin yang keluar org lain...rupanya kenduri khemah orange ialah yang depa semua termasuk ex-boss pun patah balik ke khemah orange...barulah jumpa pengantin yang betul....haru sungguh!
Hahahaha... Mamasita... this is hilarious! What else could they do, takkan nak pi mintak maaf pulak... lagi segan.
Lagi pun bukan sengaja pun... Burrp!
Edelweiss, Haghu..haghu... Hat khemah biru tu tau dak depa dah salah kenduri?
Lega la hat khemah orange, depa pi makan kat sebelah sana, tapi bagi angpow kat sebelah sini... haghu betoi!
Moral of the story - Ex-bosses are always right...hahahaha...
Salam kak DDI,
Lama tak lawat sini!
Your story is indeed so hilarious! Masa mula tengok tajuk posting, ingatkan wedding tu tak jadi.. duhhh!
I recently added your site in a blog created for my daily reading. Don't wanna miss the train anymore! Huhu.. gigih!
We once received a wedding invitation card from our neighbour for their daughter's wedding. Sempat la borak2 ngan neighbour, dia kata, pegi tau hari sabtu nanti - kita buat kat Holiday Inn(kalo tak silap - dah lama sangat) in Shah Alam. That Saturday , I told dear hubby, I nak set rambut la, make up cantik sket sebab nak attend grand wedding malam ni.
Mlm tu tertonggek2 la i berjalan dengan high heels pegi kat hotel tu, tapi heran kenapa kat signboard kat luar tu nama amoi and ah chong (chinese couples, tetamu semuanya cina?) - kad pulak tertinggal kat rumah. Betul le ni hotel nyer..
Nak call neighbour takut dia tengah sibuk. So we decided balik jer lah amik card dulu..sampai rumah nampak kete neighbour. Bila jenguk semua they all ada masih pakai baju kurung and kebaya. Laa..rupanya majlis depa siang tu (tengahari to petang) not at night! This was a case of assuming too much la wedding at hotel selalu malam hari :-D
p/s I love the food at JM Briyani too :-)
So kelakar! But, I'm sure ramai gak who had done the same mistake kot?
I had a similar experience - only that it was my friend, and it was MY wedding!
My reception was held on Saturday, a day after our nikah, but, my friend and her family, including her parents who were in Melaka/Muar that time came the day AFTER the reception! Khemah semua dah tak ada...Nasib baik lah jugak lauk khenduri and Nasi Minyak masih ada and dapatlah we all menjamu, and dapatlah they all merasa :)
Moral of the story, bila dapat aje invitation, we should REALLY read it betul-betul and TERUS block the date and fill in our calendar/schedule, and activate the reminder 1 day earlier ESPECIALLY bila musim khenduri kawin :)
I pun penah pi silap kenduri. dah kenyang dan nak balik baru cari tuan rumah nak salam. tgk2 silap orang. rumah kenduri lorong lain.last2 buat muka conpius je lah.
BTW Ja, our hitea is on Saturday 13 June 2009... he he he jangan duk ingat JULY pulak.
tergelak sorang-sorang tau baca tadi...
Salam Ja,
taking a break from my buttercream and ganache ,cakes and cuppies for a few minutes and keep an update on what my friends are up to,...silap haribulan kenduri.... Speaking of wedding, I've got to finish up a few orders due for tomorrow.and double check on kenduri dates for tomorrow and a few other dates too..
so far, didn't happen to me but...never say never, right?
heheheehhe. sorry ye Kak Ja tapi memang funny so mesti jugak ketawa.
Salam Kak Ja,
Alamak, macam familiar la..sebab I pun pernah kena mcm dah pakai glamer2 tetiba cari umah pengantinya tak dapat, why sbb hubby silap amik wedding card. So we all main teka je la umah mana nak pegi sbb dah terlanjur jauh from home..last2 pegi makan kat Cosy Corner..
Have a great weekend ahead! I am typing these words, i am listening to Pet Shop Boys' song..bestnya
Sabar sajalah Ja.. Tak pa..merasa juga makan nasi 'kenduri'..
Dear Sualeen,
Amboi lama tak dengar cerita... Mesti bz ni :)
You know, I've been reading your blog(s) all these while. Cuma tak tinggal footprint kat situ saja.
Have a great sunday. Peluk cium untuk anakanda Sue yg tercinta :)
Dear Waterlily!
Cerita you lagi hilarious! I dok gelak sorang2 dok baca comment you. Boleh imagine macamana dah bergaya sakan, siap dgn high heels lagi .. hahaha!
Habis tu, you pi makan mana? Kena candlelite dinner kot dgn hubby... mcm pengantin baru gitu ;)
Dear Shana,
Betul tu... we should have done that. Selalunya terus masuk phone calendar, tapi this time memang kalut betul!
Talking about kenduri, today I missed one kenduri! One of the new girls in my office. Dah masuk phone calendar, tapi biasalah kat rumah, tak perasan bunyi reminder... so missed it!
Sah dah makin tua. Isnin ni nak kena apologize kat that girl...actually I tak kenal pun dia, so kena mencari lah Isnin ni... haghu betul!
Yus dear,
Ni satu lagi case BUURRP! Hahaha... macamana you buat muka confuse tu? Tuan rumah 'confuse' dak tengok you? Hahaha... loghat betui kita ni no?
Dear Aziah,
Aku tak lupa. Dah masuk calendar dah. Tapi aku dah tak sure boleh pi ka dak. Ada sebab musababnya yg aku akan explain dalam posting aku nanti... jeng..jeng..jeng...
Nak cream caramel satu dulang!
Dear Zue,
There's always the first time for everything! Usually it will happen when we're too busy to notice or when we make assumptions. Tu yg jadi silap tu, betoi dak?
Musim kenduri ni mesti oven Xue tak pernah sejuk ni :)
Dear Farina,
You ni mesti tak pernah silap pergi kenduri lagi ni..hehehe.. When it happens, you'll feel like a complete fool :P
Dear Ida,
Penat bermake-up segala, kan? Kalau nak pergi shopping ke seganlah pulak dgn berbaju kurung camtu on a weekend pulak tu.
Tak pa, janji kenyang jugak :)
Salam Zlaa,
Betui tu... nasik beriani daging dgn tahu bakar JM Bariani... memang best!
Bila nak balik cuti? Boleh I belanja geng2 SAS kat JM?
sekali tu I pi kenduri staf I kat area kampung sini. Selalu kalau pi ramai2, takde problem nak cari rumah kenduri sbb ada saja org yg tahu rumah. Tapi kena hari tu, I ketinggalan keretapi. So, pergilah dgn sorang je lagi anak buah yg I paksa dia ikut gak2...Dua2 tak tahu rumah kenduri. So, berpandukan word of mouth je, kami pun redahla cari. Bila jumpa je khemah kenduri yg pertama, terus pi duduk makan, since bentara persila terus ke tempat makan. Dgn confidentnya, kami tak tanya pulak tuan rumah kenduri ni sapa.Tgh2 duk suap makan..nampak la org duk salam2 dgn host. Dgn ramahnya I pun tanya la, makcik ni mak 'Mat'(my staff's name-the groom le) ke? That host pun kata, ooo..nak mai kenduri Mat ka?rumah Mat sebelah sana nun, sambil tunjuk ke arah bendang yg terlindung dgn kepulauan pokok2 nipah. Laa..tgh duk suap nasi habis terbantut. Lepas tu slowly dah tak lalu makan. Tapi tuan rumah tu kata, tak pa la..makan la bagi habis..Dua2 kami duk kata..laaa..ingat rumah ni, tadi depa petua kata ikut jalan ni (buat salah orang pulak dah..)lepas tu masa salam nak balik, I selit la sikit habuan kat tuan rumah, buat lepas kos lunch. hahahah...tapi muka I rasanya mcm kebas je..hhehhe
Hello Ibu, I really enjoyed reading your very eloquent posting, ha ha.
Very interesting.
Best regards, Lee.
ps, old days I love attending Malay weddings, enjoyed the food, ha ha.
Dear Kak Ja, happens..tambahan bila musim2 cuti ni..Tapi kes Pak Ngah pun best, kan? Hajat nak pi makan nasi kat Mata Ayaq, last2 kena makan nasi kedai di
Dear Yus,
Ok la tu, dapat makan dua kenduri..hahaha... Patutnya petang sikit Yus pi la pulak ke the actual kenduri tu. Tak payah masak kat rumah..hahahaha....
Tu lah kan, when we 'assume'. Tu yg semua jadi kelam-kabut. The good thing is the tuan rumah yg 'silap' tu halalkan you makan, betoi dak?
Dear U.Lee,
You must have missed the nasi kenduri for sure, right?
Now's the time to come back for a holiday here. School holidays = Kenduri season!
Dear Abang Sejuk/Ja,
I really wanted to try the Pokok Assam nasik in Perlis. Ramai sangat org puji, but one time when we went there it was closed.
Frust giler!
Kak Ja,
Kalau yang kat Mata Ayaq tu Pokok Sawa...tapi ada satu lagi kat Kangar.Lebih kurang saja dgn Pokok Sawa...tapi tak ingat nama dia....eventually, yang kat Kangar tu, ex-hubby Pokok Sawa yang punya..they separated and the ex-hubby ventured into the same biz...maybe yang tu Pokok Asam
Dear Ja,
Oh ya ka? Pokok Sawa kot, bukan Pokok Asam...hahaha... salah pokok!
Memang sedap betoi, depa kata lah. So far, memang tak dak rezeki lagi nak merasa... (now I'm drooling!)
Hi Kak Ja,
This is one very funny story .. I tersengih sorang2 kat depan komputer ni...Hope you enjoyed the outing anyway..hehehe..
Dear Anom,
Tak perasan ada comment from Anom. Yelah, I 'enjoyed' the ride sajalah.. and the JM Bariani, of course!
Kenduri tu this weekend. So kena make sure I got the time right pulak. Satgi date betul, time pulak salah!
tergelak sensorang bila baca entry ni :)
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