Do I believe in miracles? Of course I do! I believe everybody will at least experience it once. Whether they realize it or not.
My miracle experiences? Other than giving birth to 6 wonderful children, I do have three.
The first one was sometime in July/August 1997. I was 31 and was 8mo pregnant with my third child Hanna and we decided to go for our Umrah - Ayah, my MIL and my special child Haziq (who still couldn’t walk at 3y10mo). Heavily pregnant and not wearing a tudung yet then, I was somehow given discouragement by my office colleagues.
Very hot in Mekah, you know especially when you’re not used to wear a tudung.
Aren’t you afraid of giving birth in Mekah?
Doktor Arab kasar tau...
Eh, nanti you bersalin dalam flight, tak takut ke?
Can Haziq cope?
How are you going to do tawwaf with Haziq?
Boleh ke – pregnant 8 bulan, dengan Haziq tak boleh jalan – boleh handle ke?
Somehow that didn’t deter me. I was given the encouragement by Ayah and a Pak Haji (Arwah Hj Mohd Noor) who had been Haziq’s tukang urut and was like a grandfather to us at that time. He told me to think positive and to ignore all the negative remarks.
We had to leave our other special child, my sweet Husna (who still couldn’t walk at 2y9m0) with my parents in Alor Setar.
Everything went on smoothly in Madinah and Mekah. And no, I didn’t give birth to Hanna there. And no, Haziq didn’t trouble us at all. And my head didn’t even sweat in those tudungs. Alhamdulillah.
When we reached home, the first thing I did was to call Mak to inquire about Husna.
Mak, macamana Husna Mak?
And I still can remember what Mak said as vividly as ever:
Ja, Miracle Ja!! Hari tu Husna bangun dan terus berjalan dari dapur sampai ke depan. Bukan jalan jatuh pun. Sampai la ni dia berjalan macam tak dak apa-apa!
I was speechless. I could feel my eyes stinging with tears. And I called out for Ayah - Abang, Mak kata Husna dah jalan! Ayah was very excited and quickly called his brother to pick up my MIL. We drove back to Alor Setar to see our Angel who just started walking... I just couldn’t believe that she could walk...
Later when we calculated the time and date when my Husna started walking, it was the day when we were infront of the Ka’abah. Terima kasih Ya Allah kerana membuat do’a kami do’a yang Mustajab...
The second miracle was Ayah’s. He saw something totally out of this world. He was asked to share his story with a reporter who happened to know about it... but Ayah refused. Segan, he said.
It happened in 1998, when I was 32, while performing our Hajj a few months after our first Umrah trip. Hanna was born in Sept97 and was only around 5-6mo when we went for our Haji. This time we went there with Ayah’s relatives and my MIL. We got our Visa Ziarah and managed to do our Haji. We did an Ifrad and although Ayah and I shared a room while in Mekah, nothing indecent happened..he..he..
After performing our Hajj in Mekah, we proceeded to Madinah. This was when it all happened. Ayah came back from Masjid Nabawi to the hotel one night telling us of his experience. He had just finished his Maghrib prayer (or was it Isyak?) in the sacred Raudhah area when this Indonesian guy who was a few feet away doing his do’a (he was extending his hands out for the do’a) received a bundle in his hands. Apparently one Pak Arab just walked by him and put the bundle in the guy’s extended hands. Nobody could see that Pak Arab after that. And guess what was in the bundle?? It was a newborn baby!
Everybody near the Indonesian guy was ecstatic. Including Ayah. He went to see the baby... who was indeed a cute one. Out of thin air, another Pak Arab came running and grabbed the baby from the Indon man. People started chasing him but he was gone .. * poof* just like that!
God is the Greatest. Perhaps in his do’a, the Indon man was asking to have or hold a child even for one second. And Allah granted his wish? Only God knows..
The third miracle that happened to me was in 2001. We went to perform our Umrah again, this time with Ayah, AYAH(my dad), Mak, MIL, my Husna (7yo) and my Hanna (4yo). My Haziq (8yo) and my Hasya (2yo) were left in SP with my older brother, Benjie. At this time Haziq could only walk with help - like when we hold his hand or when he leaned against the furniture. But never on his own.
And guess what? Back in SP, my Haziq walked without help! Although his left leg is shorter than the right, he managed to walk on his own. Coming back from the trip, seeing him walking really made me very proud. My only boy’s now walking!
In short, I really believe that a parent's do’a will make a difference in a child’s life. Regardless of the place where the do’a is made, Allah listens. Even if the do’a is not granted, remember that it’s always for the best.
And when such thing as a miracle happened, it is also for the best.

Hello Ibu, very interesting read of your 3 miracles.
Yes, God works in strange ways, like that Arab man and baby.
Love of God, beliefs and faith brings one nearer to HIM.
Best regards and wishes to you and family. Lee.
Salaam DDI,
That was indeed miraculous and inspiring. Being a Muslim, prayer is our weapon. And you saw with your own eyes the extent of it.
Kak Ja ni, pagi2 buat orang sayu tau. tapi sayu gembira, bukan sayu sedih. ur 2nd story buat meremang bulu roma farina tau!
as for if i believe in miracle. i do, big time! but nothing out of the ordinary happened to me. Maybe simply bcoz i dont ask for it. They say, if u dont ask, how can u get right? and iv to say tht i am afraid to ask. im not sure if i can handle the disappointment.
kak ja..
terharu baca entry kak ja.. masyallah!!! Sungguh indah kebesaran Allah SWT..Alhamdullillah..
A beautiful start to my Friday morning..
Thanks for sharing the story..
Salam sis...
Thank you for sharing. It is THE BEST kan walau papaun yg di charted kan dlm hidup kita... Tersentuh hati membaca pengalaman ini...SubhanaAllah...Maha Besar kuasanya dan kita diberi peluang menyaksikan keajaiban ini...
Semoga kita sentiasa dilimpahi rahmat dan ehsannYa Ja...
Have a great weekend.
Thank you for sharing with us, Ja.
I had tears in my eyes when I read about Haziq and Husna. I'm sure those two precious moments of miracles will stay close to your heart forever.
Syukur Alhamdulillah.
Since you are interested in miracles, I would recommend you to read SMALL MIRACLES by Askin Ozcan.
ISBN 1598001000 Outskirts Press.
The book relates thirty stunning and true stories of small miracles the author has experienced in different countries.
Available at and
Kak Ja,
Tx for sharing. I love to listen to all the miracles from those who got back performing hajj or umrah. It makes me feel so close to HIM. InsyaAllah one of these days I will somehow witness my own version of miracle!
ps- How I wish I were there to see you witnessing both your Husna & Haziq walking... So, happy for you!
Salam. Found your blog through... how else? blog-hopping!
I just have to leave a comment here.
Masya-Allah, masya-Allah, masya-Allah!!!
Sesungguhnya buat kesekian kalinya, Allah telah menunjukkan keEsa-anNya through the miracles you've shared with us. You are so blessed. May He continue to protect your family with His love and blessings always...
Yes, I believe in miracles. I can't name you any miracles of my own, but I can certainly name you many things which showed God's grace, presence and hand...=)
By the way, I have added you to my blogroll. Is that ok?
Those must be the 2 most sweetest miracles to any mothers.
Hi Lee,
Yes, God works in mysterious ways.. and it's a blessing to have gone thru these incidents...
Yes, with do'a, insyaAllah whatever happens, things will turn out right...
Farina dear,
Remember that if our prayer is not answered, don't be disappointed... coz it is still for the best. That's what keep me going all these while....
I'm very honored to share the stories with you and those who came by... :)
Dear Raden Galoh,
Yes... whatever happens, it's still the best. Whatever good or bad we've experienced in our lives actually dah fated. And there were reasons behind those happenings.
I strongly believe in that. With 2 special children, I know that Allah wants me to be strong to face the uncertainties in life... and not to give up hope...
Alhamdulillah ... True- those two precious moments will forever be close to my heart...
Seeing Haziq and Husna walking will always remind me of the miracles of a parents' do'a....
Dear Anon,
TQ I'll check it out..
Maybe one of these days.. :)
I've heard some miracle stories from relatives and friends yg balik umrah & haji.. mcm Ayah's relative - she was praying kat Masjidil Haram and saw with her own eyes yang pintu kaabah tu terbuka & warna emas berkilau-kilau sampai ke mata dia..
She brought us to the spot where she witnessed it years before... dan masa tu terasa sangat how lucky she was to experience benda rare macam tu...
Dear myheartbleeds,
TQ dear for dropping by and the kind words....
What happened are small miracles that He bestowed upon us. And I betul-betul bersyukur for them...
Daphne dear,
Maybe you'll experience it first hand one of these days :)
Dear mamamia..
Yeap... you bet.. The sweetest!
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