The nice Pakcik got questions shot at him by these two Ignorant Fools...
Bila Puasa?
Bila Raya?
He explained that we have only 7 weeks to go before the Holy Ramadhan comes. Yeah, right!
The Zakat calendar was the first thing I snatched when we reached home. Holy Macaroni! The Pakcik was right! So the first day of fasting will be on the 1st of September and Raya will tentatively be on the 1st of October...
Okay, I know I know... some might say that it’s still a loooonnggg way to go before we’ll start fasting. But to this Ibu, it’s like a bit too late. I’m not talking about the Raya cakes and biscuits, I’m talking about the children’s Baju Raya!
The Baju Kurung for my five girls... my God, surely most tailors won’t be accepting any more orders! What should I do now? Perhaps the ready-made ones this year?
And how about Ayah’s and Haziq’s Baju Melayu?
First - I’ll have to buy the material at Nagoya Textiles
Then - mail them to Mak in Alor Setar
Later - poor Mak will then have to go to the shop in Pekan Rabu and (really) beg the tailor to accept the late order
Hope that will work (crossing my fingers here..)
My Baju Raya? Well, mine doesn’t matter. If I truly want a new Baju Raya, I’ll grab one later. Subang Parade and PKNS Shah Alam will definitely do wonders to satisfy a female’s yearnings... he..he...

Already busy with Raya preparation yes? Well, you should. Especially about baju raya. I bet all the tailors already have a long list, and perhaps even waiting list haha.
I am not really fuzzy with my Raya dress hehe. I guess that is just how it runs in the family. Our theme is always 'rojak', you know what I mean? :)
Have a nice day.
Hi akmal,
Our theme this year will also be 'rojak' too ..he..he..
Anyway, I guess your mom has already tempah one for you...
Salam DDI:
How fast time flew...and its the Mubarak month coming to our doorsteps again.
I like Ramadhan very much.The fasting and the Terawih at night.And the bukak posa part.
You gonna buy something at Nagoya and send it to Aloq Staq? Unless you mum is very kamcing with the tailor and she can impress the tailor that her heart will break if they refuse making baju kurung for her granddaughters, no tailor will dare to take anymore orders.
So you better keep all your fingers(and toes if necessary) crossed.
And then there's the kueh Raya part aka kueh tunjuk during the last week of Ramadhan. But with prices of stuff so high, maybe some biskut pat segi will do.This is not about being stingy but prudent and practical.Heh3....
Salam Tokasid..
Yes, Rejab is already here. Pejam celik dah dekat dah Ramadhan no..
I really hope that my Mak can do the pleadings for me..he..he.. Boleh kot... warga maih punya pleadings lagi baguih kot...
Balik ni nak kena bancuh Kopi O - cicah Roti Pat Sagi atau dgn Pak Tongko. Sedap apa....
Hello Ibu, you made me laugh with your exclaimation of, "Holy macaroni"! Ha ha. Haven't heard that long time.
The Italians disini like to use that expression.
Here most times it's 'Holy Smoke'! Or, "Holy Mackeral", or, "Holy cow"! Ha ha.
Wa, nampak ni Ibu da kelang kabote Raya ta'lama lagi.
And we arriving into Autumn....ahhhhh, Holy Macaroni! That fast time flies, huh? Ha ha.
What? You have 5 girls?
I'm keeping score here...another lady blogger visitor of mine ada empat girls.
Okay, till now, you holding the gold medal for 5 girls, ha ha.
Nak tengok siapa ada enam! Ha ha.
You have a nice day, and try get a red sarong and or batek for Raya, ha ha. Lee.
Kak Ja, memang now dah consider last min kalau nak tempah baju raya. during my younger days dulu, i was so bad. bulan puasa barulah terkial2 pergi jln tar w my bestfren cari kain. bayangkan? sapelah nak ambik tempahan time tu kan? hopefully ul find somebody to make the baju for ur girls and urself. ;)
Hi Lee,
Holy macaroni - hmmhh.. well where did that come from? Entahlah.. suddenly 'terkeluar' pulak...he..he..
Yeah, my 5 girls will be having rojak theme for this year - like Akmal. A definite ready-made ones.
But for my only son and hubby, I still have to tempah... hopefully my mom will be able to persuade the tailor to accept the order...
Hi Farina...
'Younger days'?? I don't think it was that long ago... still muda jelita apa...
Talking about Jalan TAR, it's the best place to find the material for your baju raya AND also the best place to test your decision-making skill :)
Hi Ibu,
Accidentally bumped into this blog and I must confessed … such a nice blog you have. I enjoyed every bit of it.
Ya, puasa just around the corner, and my previous puasa masih ada 18 hari belum ganti! Arghhh!! Esok ingat nak start terus-terusan sampai ke Ramadhan … tak tau le … hehehe.
Pasai baju raya … hmmm … luckily my mom is a tailor. Tapi yg tak bestnya, anak tailor mesti hanya boleh pakai baju raya pada raya kedua, paling awal. Kalau tak, sebulan raya pun tak siap2 lagi … Silap2 mak akan buat remark:
“Pi la beli sendiri baju raya hampa tu … aku segan nak jait dah …” huhuhu!
My tailor dah remind I, 2 months back. Being a regular & sister-in-law somemore, dia memang dah buat reservation for me.
Last mth, I went to JTAR after years of avoiding that place (not by me, but the other half). I tell u, rambang mata.... rasa macam kena pergi lagi sekali.
Glad u managed to get hold of Min's email. Here's mine Thanks ...
By the way, pandai betul polis traffic tu menyorok. Baik punya...
Kak Ja, ur right! truth is after the 2nd yr, i kinda stopped goin to jln tar sbb i jadi pening tengok byk sgt kain and colours. id always end up buying something tht i dont really like sbb dah confused. lol.
Alamaaaakkk!!! Serious?!! Macam tak percaya!
And, we haven't even decided on the "theme" for this year!!! (Errr... nothing new here actually. Tetiap tahun terhegeh-hegeh like this!)
So, it's back to the same strategy - check for Ayah's available Baju Melayu in the wardrobe (i.e. yang masih muat :)), and get the matching coloured materials for the kids, buat muka sedih kat my tailor, and PRAY hard that she would still accept tempahan...
Baju anak teruna - susah sikit as every year kena tempah. He's a BIG boy, and susah nak cari ready-made yang muat for him kat Masjid India nun... Harap-harap Abg. M*n kat Om*r Al* masih baik hati...
Hi Peesha,
TQ for dropping in. Apa..? 18 hari belum ganti?? Takpa..takpa.. kena marathon lah lepaih ni.
I remember when I gave birth to my Hasya and was in confinement thruout Ramadhan... Mak ooi... nak ganti balik puasa tu marathon ke triathlon habis..he..he..
I guess this is not the first time I heard about anak tailor yg baju lambat siap... Serupa dgn contractor buat rumah - rumah sendiri tak dan siap. The motto: Customers come first... betui dak?
Hi there Mamamia!
Pergi JTAR ni dgn girlfriends lagi best.. sebab boleh tolong bagi idea.. Tapi pergi dgn hubby yg bestnya dia boleh tolong bawakkan barang2.. hehe..
Anyway, I've already sent an email to you. Hopefully you can get in touch with her..
Hihihi.. Farina.. tu lah.. rambang mata and also finin tengok banyak sangat choices!
Sekarang ni dah banyak baju siap, esp those kebayas that don't come in my size... Poor me :( Tu la.. bulat sangat..he..he..
Shana... you pun sama ka? Tu lah tu... dah terlewat nak tempah. I already bought the material for my Haziq and Ayah right after I rwote my entry. Tapi until now belum mail to my Mak yet. I already asked her to inform the tailor. Entah boleh ke tak..
I went to PKNS Shah Alam to find my girls punya baju tapi tak berapa banyak choice. Last-last beli kat Mydin saja..hehe..
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