**1st pic: Hanis - the sand castle enthusiast!

**2nd pic: Hasya, Hanna, Haifa and their cousin Hani building the sand castles....

I wished they were cleaner... like Penang and Langkawi beaches....
or California.... (dream on!)
**3rd pic: Here's Haifa 'surfing'..hehehe...

**4th pic: Hanna, Hasya, cousin Hani, Haifa, Haziq, Husna and the maids in the pool

Luckily, the pool was okay.
**5th pic: Mak (Tok Mi) watching over her grandchildren...

Today was spent at the Sekolah Kebangsaan, Sekolah Agama, the Uniform shop, the Bookshop etc etc... and now everything has been bought and ready for the kids.
We made a stop at the Cineleisure and watched Cicakman2. Frankly, I was a bit disappointed...
Whatever it is, I'm all charged up and ready for work tomorrow.... One more thing though- to complete it up,... I think I'll go get myself a Chinese massage :)

Memang sedih kan our beach kotor camtu? Nak cakap pun malas sbb dah mentality orang kita.
Tapi yg penting your kids and you and hubby dpt lah tenangkan fikiran sikit. ;)
Hello Ibu, wow! Port Dickson? My last time there wayyyyy back in the late 70's, ha ha.
Love your gambars, Ibu.
Alamak, sini outside ice and snow, to see the lovely blue sea...buat saya nak balek kampong besok, ha ha.
You have fun, Ibu and keep well. Saya suka your songs here. Best regards, Lee.
Ibu, saya lupa, what is a Chinese massage? First time saya dengar that, ha ha.
Bomoh urut ada, Japanaese ada, tetapi Chinese? Ha ha.
You look lovely in the last pic, Ibu...and that is a million dollar smile! Lee.
Salams Ja,
Glad that you and family had a good break in PD. Lovely pics! :)
And bravo to you - dah siap beli everything for school, etc. I baru belikan baju Hasya, kasut and bag sekolah for Hilman n Hasya, and stationeries for all. Buku sekolah satu pun belum beli lagi ni...
Baju Hanna esok baru nak gi beli coz' she insists to get hers from Professor. And her school also has their own socks and kutang baju kurung and all. Nak tak nak, kena jugak gi her school one of these days.
Sekejap ajer...dah nak bukak sekolah balik, kan?
Dear Farina,
You bet... memang ringan rasa kepala :)
You're right, mentality org kita dah macam tu. Ada tong sampah pun tak nak pakai. I saw 2 used diapers buang merata-rata... geram tengok...
Dear U.Lee,
1970s? That was a looong time ago! Mesti pergi dengan gf ni :)
Chinese massage? I've been frequenting this massage outlet where the ladies are from China. They use their Chinese massage techniques... memang sakit but the results - memang sedap!
Correction U.Lee - the last pic is my mom's, not me...hehehe... Tho she's 66, she's always 'young' to me...
Take care and be COOL U.Lee :)
Dear Shana,
I took an urgent leave yesterday so that I could go to their school. Nasib baik pi awal pagi, tak payah queue panjang....
My Haifa will be in Std 1 next yr and my Hanis in Tadika. So you can imagine the kelamkabutz that we'll have to endure the first week of school!
A-ahla.. sekejap saja sekolah dah nak buka... How time flies... hmmhhh....
Seronok nya...gi PD....dah lama tak pegi :)
Ibu -- we were in PD too over the weekend!! I took a real close look at your piccies, kot-kot la ada ternampak your family ari tu :-D
have you gotten yourself the much-deserved Chinese massage? :-D
Ja, sorry, couldn't help it! I just nak cakap 'Hi!' to Yatie.Been missing her and Josh soooo much.
Yatie, take care.there'll be sunshine after rain.Hang on and be strong. Josh needs you most.Hugs and kisses for him frm aunty yus.mmmuah cooot ccoooot. Hah, rasa mcm dah lepas rindu dah!Lega... :)
Hi Ibu, ha ha, minta ma'af re your mom...but she's very young looking too. And pretty, *wink*.
Your batteries suda recharged? Ha ha.
Kalu belum lagi, drop by besok, Lee.
Sorry Kak Ja... tumpang lalu,
Kak Yus,
terima kasih dgn kata2 semangat... i need it. Josh kirim his kisses to you and I just post his new pictures. Have a good weekend.
Dear Akmal,
Cuti 'sekolah' bila-bila boleh lah pegi. I missed Teluk Cempedak... bila ntah boleh sampai ke sana....
Dear myheartbleeds,
I baca your entry on your PD getaway.... Tapi masa tu I dah balik ke KL. We went there on 10th to 13th Dec...
That Chinese massage hari tu tak jadi sebab bendera Jepun naik..hihihi...
Dear Yatie....
I'm sooooo happpy you comment kat sini... I'm really worried about your whereabouts.... I guess Kak yus pun risau pasal you....
I just hope you're handling everything well. Remember that there must be a reason behind everything that happens in our lives. Allah dah atur semua tu for the best reasons....
Dear Yus,
You pun risau kan... especially bila ingat si Josh comel tu...
Dear U.Lee...
No problem... That's a compliment to my Mom actually :)
My batteries sudah recharged. I'm like a bull waiting to be released now ..hihihi...
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