Come visit me when you can... And please take care of the new owners - like what you did with me.
Meanwhile, say Hello to my new car... sleek, huh?
See Lewis Hamilton posing for me?
Hehehe.. perasan... Dream on Dreamweaver!
(Actually I shot this beauty during the Sepang F1 race on 23rd March08. Pretty neat...)
Huh... Finally I drove my new car this morning - after 5 days of it being stationary in the car porch. I'm trying to get use to it. Love it, but I do miss you my Matrix.
But I'm very sure you're in capable hands now :) Take care of your owner and the family for me, ok?

Wow!, so CRV or Stream ni?
Estima? Alphard? Odyssey? RX3? CRV? Stream? Grand Vitara? Sorento? Tucson?
Hmmmm...don't leave us in the dark for too long, okay? ;)
ha'a .... what car? i'm dying to know ... boleh tumpang berangan hehehe
Is the benz ur new car? sweet bday present i must say! drooling and envying you! lol.
Salam Ibu,
Bestnya...nasib orang tak samakan?You are such a lucky person!
whatever car you have, drive carefully and take care! :-)
* Auntie : tumpang kereta hubby saja (alhamdulillah)
been doing some blog hopping this morning - and here I am, landed here from Zlaa's blog.
Interesting stuff you have here. I like that piece on "Adab"...
By the way, happy belated birthday and enjoy your birthday gift..XC90? X5? Sorento? err...besar ya? tank? eh heheheh..
Hehehe.. ingat you no.. dua-dua besaq dari Matrix kan.. so yg mana satu...:)
Mak ooi..pengsan la kalau kena bawak Estima/Alphard/Odyssey tu....
Jeng jeng jeng...
Kak Ja berangan yg dalam gambar tu la. Isshh.. tapi rasanya sampai bila2 pun tak sampai kot my angan-angan tu..hehehe...
But jokes aside, I actually believe in angan-angan. Some of the things that I have been salivating before -small,big, cheap,expensive- are now in my possession. Those things may not be expensive things, but when you pasang angan-angan, one day you'll get it, insyaallah.
Eh, macam ceramah motivasi lah pulak :)
Hi Farina,
Alamak.. pengsan Kak Ja kalau dapat Merz tu...agaknya siang malam duduk dalam Merz tu sajalah..hehehe
AuntieYan @ Makcik Blogger,
Hehehe.. actually it was not my birthday present pun. Dah booking since June kalau tak silap tapi tut-tut boleh dapat on my birthday. Coincidence saja tu :)
Actually I wanted a Canon camera for my birthday, tapi since dapat this car on the day itself, tak kesampaian la aku...
So now I have a strategy how to get the camera : since Ayah's birthday coming soon, I'm going to buy him the camera. And I got to use it sebab dia bukan kaki amik gambar pun... hihihi...
TQ for dropping in dear.
It's not as big as Ayah's car, but bigger than my Matrix lah. Kecut perut bila nak lalu celah-celah double parking tadi...
Kak Ja,
It must be an SUV... betul tak? Hmmm... nissan murano?
Hello Ibu, apa kereta baru tu? Love the shape, very nice. 4 wheel drive I guess?
Can imagine you driving that Mercedes wearing your designer Christan Dior sunglasses....ada gaya tu, ha ha.
Have a great weekend, Lee.
No..not Murano (I wish!) Tapi SUV tu betullah :)
Uncle Lee!
What? That Merz, mine? Only in my dreams.. LOL!
You take care & have a good weekend too :)
Kak Ja :o)
Angan2 lah yang akan jadi kenyataan, asalkan ada usaha gigih. Syana pun nak start angan2 kete Merc lah hehehe ;o)
but ...
right now, nak angan2 nak anak :o) amin.
Amiin.... I'll do'a for you too Syana :)
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