To all my Christian friends out there – Merry Christmas! Have a wonderful time with your loved ones :) Enjoy the egg nogs and the good food, ok?
To the rest – have a great time doing whatever you love doing! Nak rest ke, shopping ke, jalan-jalan ke...
I for one, is one happy mommy...yay..yay! I’ll be on leave until the 30th, and will work only for one day on the 31st. Then I’ll be on leave again from the 1st of January until the 11th. In other words, from today until the 11th of January, I'd only be working for one day. A long break, huh?
No, I’m not going anywhere la.. (
though Switzerland and NZ are still on top of my wish-list!) Ayah and I are actually going to make ourselves permanent fixtures at our Hanis’s Tadika and our Haifa’s Sekolah Kebangsaan and Sekolah Agama when the schools reopen. Yes, in 2009, Hanis is going to the Kindergarten and Haifa in Standard One. Frankly, I still can’t figure out how we’re going to do the
running, since both of them will be in the morning session in two different places.
I know for sure that my Hanis will cry on her 1st day, 2nd day, 3rd day... ooohh... maybe for the rest of the week... hmmmhhh...
macamana ni...?
I just hope that my Haifa will be ok, since she’s been to school (kindergarten) since she was 4. Let’s hope that she’ll be ok in the Sekolah Kebangsaan and Sekolah Agama, especially when my Hanna and my Hasya will be in the same schools with her.
Oh, let’s worry about that later. Right now, I just wanna enjoy my ‘vacation’ at home :)