I still had a bad feeling about Tini. I knew she didn’t tell me the whole truth. I went to Haziq & Husna’s school straight from the office on Friday. The principal wasn’t there, so I just talked to the school maid instead.
Can you tell me about Tini when she’s at school? Does she eat here? She didn’t bring food from home, and she eats only in the evenings... so I guess you give her lunch here.
Tidak, Ibu. Tini selalu keluar kedai beli makanan..With whose money?
Dia kata duitnya sendiri..So that was the reason why she refused to bring food from home. Everyday there are food for breakfast on the table. The children eat before going to school. Even Ayah eats breakfast at home. Only Tini doesn’t. Why? Because she likes to spend my money (by stealing) to buy her own food at the stall and kedai mamaks near the school.
I left there fuming.
I was mad at her. So she didn’t tell the whole truth on Thursday night.
I told Ayah about it at 11 pm. And Ayah said we had to settle it right there and then.
The stolen amount doesn’t matter. Whether it’s RM1, RM100 or even RM1000. A thief is a thief. When there’s no trust, it’s hard to live with that person.Ibu went to Haziq’s school and they told her you always go out to buy food. Last night you told us you only went out ONCE. You lied to us last night Tini. Who gives you the permission to leave the school compound? You’re to take care of Haziq and Husna, not enjoying yourself with friends. And whose money did you use to buy things. Tell us the truth Tini!!!!
Tidak, Bapak.Don’t lie!! We trusted you last night. You think we’re fools?? Whose money did you use??? CAKAP!!
Tini ambil sedikit-sedikit...What?? How many times???
Sikit-sikit la... seringgit sana, sepuluh ringgit sini...Ya Allah... you’ve been stealing from us Tini… You just worked here only like 3 months... but you’ve been taking money from us... How could you Tini?? I don’t think we can live with you anymore. Hati kamu jahat!
Saya janji tak buat lagi...We can’t trust you anymore! We’ll send you back to the agency – rather than having you around for another 2 years..
Tini janji, Bapak, Ibu.. Tini tak buat lagi... Ja, we gotta bring her to the police station. We gotta turn her in. Before she steals again, we might as well get rid of her and apply for a new maid…
Tolong Bapak, Ibu... (now she started crying..)
I went upstairs and changed into my jeans and wore my tudung. By this time she cried harder..
Tolong Tini Ibu!!Ja, I think we’ve to call the police here. I don’t think we can get her into the car...
I called the police and passed the phone to Ayah to do the talking. I could hear her running up the stairs to me, so I ran into the master bedroom. And locked the door. My five girls were in there watching the DVD. The volume was turned up so that my girls couldn’t hear her cryings and pleadings.
Tolong Tini Ibu, jangan hantar Tini ke polisi... Tini janji tak buat lagi...She kept a vigil outside my door and keep on pleading ..
Ibu... Tolong Tini Ibu... Ibu...A real life drama.
It was like half an hour later the policemen came. Her sobbing became harder. She grabbed my leg when I opened the door to go down. I ignored her...
be strong Ja, you have to do this. It’s for our own good..The two men in blue were in the main living room when I came down. Tini - who was sobbing – was asked to sit on the carpet. Q&A took place. The nice policemen weren’t harsh at all.
They then informed us that it was up to us whether or not to make a report.
Pulling them aside - Can’t you put her one-night in the lockup – that would teach her a lesson. For her to repent.
We can’t do that. We can’t simply put one in the lockup without you filing a report.We want to scare her. To prove that we’re not bluffing. Take her for a ride, maybe?
So Tini was brought into the car...
Follow us, or we’ll use the gari (acah saja tu..) The three of them left. It was nearly 1 am.
We waited for her to come back. And when she did, she was wailing.... She grabbed Ayah’s hands and apologized profusely....
Maaf Tini Bapak.. And came running to me and took my hands....
Maaf Tini Ibu... Beri Tini peluang sekali lagi...
No wonder she was bawling. Tuan HXXXXXXX and Tuan HXXXX told us that Tini was brought to the police station and the lockup. What she saw there made her scared. Really, really scared.
So mission accomplished. I hope that experience taught her a lesson. We’ll see how she’s going to better herself from now on.
After all, everybody deserves a second chance, right?