The last time Mak was here was in May08, and AYAH back in December07.
After work at 5, Ayah will go fetch them at the hotel and bring them back to our house – have dinner, chit-chat a bit, Mak to try baju raya I bought for her – and then we have to send them back to the hotel tonight.
They’ll be going back to Alor Setar tomorrow evening, but I won’t be able to see or send them home since Haifa will be having her Tadika concert on the same day. That 6yo has been practicing hard every day with her dance that I don’t think we could slip out from the Dewan MPPJ to send Mak and AYAH to the terminal.
Whatever it is, the kids will be ecstatic to see their Tok Mi and Tok Wan today. And I know Hasya will cry again during the parting. She’s very sensitive every time she sees Tok Mi leaving.
And I’ll have quality time with my Mak and AYAH... happy....
Soooo happy that I spent buying unnecessary things at IKEA during lunch time... Okay what, IKEA's having a sale!!

thot i nampak your dad kat uum last 2 weeks. there's a seni n budaya week going on in the campus, and on that particular time there was a workshop on pantun going on. so, kalau pantun mantun ni, sure the familiar face would be your dad, ye tak?
anyway, tak sempat nak pergi tegur sbb your dad jalan laju. very good la ja. nampak mcm cikgu halim is still healthy and very strong. gunakan masa sihat baik2 sebelum datang masa uzur.
Hi Yus,
Yes that must be him. I remember Mak told me that my dad ada something kat UUM masa tu. Dia jalan memang laju.. tu yg my mom tak syok pi shopping dgn dia tu...
Anyway, lupa nak habaq.. I met your hubby last week. The last time I saw him masa I Form 2 ka..(tak sure) tapi I could still remember his face. He was surprised when I tegur him. Tak kenai I langsung.. LOL. Rasanya becoz I've expanded like 200 times the last time he saw me..hehe...
Hahaha Ja, yes, he called me straight away after jumpa you. Memang dia surprised habis. I kata kat dia, bersyukurlah mama ni kurus kering.Sebelum ni pernah la dia duk komplen I tinggai tulang, sampai dia pernah joke nama I Tunkurak. Maklumla org tunku2 belaka dlm rumah I tu....(kecik hati aih..)
Aku tengah sedih... just sent my Mak to the airport. Sedih!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dia mai sini Rabu lepas sans my Abah, duk 2 hari dah duk teringat Abah nak makan apa la.. puaih pujuk suruh stay sampai pagi ni...
Lawak betoi. Memang dia tak kenai I langsung. And you know what, I still can't imagine how he looks like now, walaupun baru jumpa. Bila nak cuba imagine, dok teringat muka dia masa sekolah rendah. Lawak dak?
Jangan sedey-sedey... Aku rasa mak-mak kita ni semua sama lagu tu.. Bukan boleh dok lama-lama kat KL ni. Dok teringat nak balik saja.
Mak & Ayah aku mai bawak ikan pekasam dgn lempuk durian... Walaupun jumpa sat malam tu, dan jugak tu goreng pekasam, buat sambai belacan dgn belimbing... Makan sampai menjilat kaki!
Aku kalau sedey, aku telan 2-3 tub icecream..hehe...
Dah habis rindu nak makan air tangan mak?
So, U went shopping to Ikea? I dah lama tak ke sana, kawasan larangan atas perintah my hubby. Nway, kalau boleh semua shopping complexes, dia nak tukar jadi restricted area.
Hi Mamamia,
Tak sempat pun. Since they stayed only for a short while, time was spent with borak2, makan2 & borak2. Guess I have to wait for the Raya time lah...
IKEA tengah sale. Ramainya orang tak tau nak cakaplah. Luckily ramai extra staff dia turun padang doing the bagging thing (baggers). Laju saja...
Restricted area? Agaknya nak kena keluar sama2 kot. Kalau you juz boleh tunjuk and he buys for you tu kira okay jugak... :)
sekejapnya ur parents datang. is ur dad still working?
farina pun baru pergi ikea 2 weeks ago. tak beli apa2 pun except for a wok. hehe. gi ikea beli wok, boleh?
Lama x ke sini. heheheh... gelihati baca sang ibu rindu kat ibu dia pulak. ohhhhh what a feeling we children never outgrow, kan? I miss my mommy too...UWAAAAA !!!!!
And heh...I like the spirit - okey what shopping the unnecessary, kan tgh sale? hahaha, hi 5!!
Kak Ja,
datang kat kl satu hari aje.... pecam celik, dah satu hari terlepas. Satu hari tak cukup nak melepaskan rindu ..... Hugs to Hasya.
A lot of people love IKEA but I am not one of them. Tak tau pasal apa, I hate IKEA. I think maybe because every time I went there I always got lost and ended up making 3 or more rounds before I can find the exit. I went to IKEA last weekend near my house because hubby want to find a new desk for him. I hate it here too..... one way isle, too crowded, got lost again .... 3 rounds on 2nd floor plus going the wrong way just to get back to the elevator.... "sigh" IKEA just not for me.
Dear Farina,
My dad dah pencen jadi cikgu dah lama but he still writes. Bila tua-tua ni lagi 'laku' pulak dia... kena bagi talk, jadi judge, emcee, kena karang pantuns/syairs etc for books/magazines/functions.
There a lot of effort done by the govt, universities, private companies to preserve pantuns/syairs etc. Tu sebab my dad selalu kena panggil.
Other than that, my parents ni active la persatuan2 like Persatuan Sejarah, Muzium Kedah... It's good coz they have something to do kan. Kak Ja kalau pencen nanti rasanya tak tau nak buat apa..hmmhh... something to ponder tonite...
Ibu! High 5!!
I guess kita ni still 'baby' to them kan? Regardless of the age, we'll miss our parents especially bila dok jauh2 mcm ni...
Mungkin IKEA sana lagi besar kot.. Kat sini kira ok jugak sebab ada 'footprint' pasted on the floor to indicate the way...
My hubby and kids love its karipap sebab very hot (panas) & ada telur rebus inside. I pulak like the plants and the merapu things (not necessity things)... Pandai kan habiskan duit..hehe..
Hi Kak Ja,
Ala.. tak sempat lah your mom buat sotong goreng letup tu... Am so curious how it looks like. Mesti superlicious.
ps- hving prob with my official url. kindly click on 'ja' in this comment to visit my archive in aug. take care...
Hi Ja,
Alamak.. teringatlah pulak the sotong letup when you mentioned it. Will try to get her fry those when I go home for the Raya...
In the meantime, I'll just have to make do with the sambal sotong :(
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